Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


Eh. You might want to revisit that one mate.

Sweet Jesus, I didn’t attack anyone or say it was “cushy”. Will you fuck off for yourself

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Where did I mention “the working class”? Any class contains multitudes.

“Durable idiot” is a neat phrase, in fairness.

I said nothing negative about low paid workers. Nor would I. You are simply too stupid to grasp my point.

I merely said teachers cannot be hired on the same basis as casual gig economy workers. This point is inarguable.

@backinatracksuit would you not do a bit of tiling on the side,they’re impossible to get at the minute.2 days a week over the summer and you’d have a ball of cash put away.


This is a ridiculous post.

The public sector were hard hit in 2008 because they a relatively small pay cut.

Relative to the private sector who lost their jobs, sometimes homes, had to emigrate abroad to get work.

If another recession comes the public sector will once again be the least effected.

Sometime I really have to question your thought process.


Fair enough …I’m more interested in @glasagusban

“You’d want to be purposely thick not to see the obvious difference”

I was hoping to use it as an opportunity to see inside the mind of a genius but alas he seems to have ignored my calling …

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You know exactly what you were implying only you are too much of a coward and have to veil it with your cheap journalist humour.

Are you still idolising fellas so intelligent they forget to look before crossing the road?


You made very disparaging comments about Deliveroo drivers. A real classist and to be honest, racist tone off it.

But it’s hardly surprising. We have an issue here that could be engaged upon with coherent points and discussion and you opt for the nasty avenue.

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Have the last word. By the sounds of it, you need a bonus.

He does this when he backs himself into a corner.

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Ya the abuse @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy takes because he drives a fork lift is an absolute disgrace.

As long as your happy at what your at that’s all that matters.


You’re the one who keeps coming back when I try to leave it mate. We’ll see if you come back to this or if you have enough pride to stay away

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He’s on his 2 hr lunch break :grinning:

I did a small job for my mate the other day, an entrance hall and patched up a few in his shower, I had to borrow the cutter. I didn’t charge obviously. I’d say it was probably a 200 into the hand job though.
I’m busy with the kids, couldn’t be relied on

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That ok , so am I :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

People can say what they want but I don’t judge people by their jobs.

There’s nothing wrong with driving a forklift. I reckon a forklift driver might make a mighty fine teacher too but that’s beside the point.

People trying to abuse me and the forklift profession are nasty people. I love driving forklifts but I don’t come on here and moan I’m not well paid for it, or go for industrial action and leave all those pallets unattended for. Where would the vaccination rollout be without forklift drivers? But you don’t hear the forklift drivers bleating about their lack of recognition, their poor pay, lack of job security etc - they get out there, turn their wheels, pull their levers and lift those pallets without fuss.


The fact you are malicious and stupid is neither nor there. That problem is your problem, not mine.

I care not about anyone’s job, teacher, sailor, Deliveroo mailer. But you seem to have a thing about journalists, though. I wonder why.

And: are you actually alluding to Roland Barthes? I was never a Barthes fan.

Fair enough