Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It doesn’t seem like you have the ability. Every post you make includes a personal insult. I suppose it’s easier to insult someone than debate the topic at hand if you are a bit limited upstairs

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look, its obvious you have an axe to grind here, so ill leave you fester with it

I think it’s obvious I’m right.

fixed that for you

I hold no one in anything less than equanimity as regards their profession or job. I could not care less, same as all my family, what anyone does for a living.

Deliveroo is merely a trope for expressing the stupidity of thinking teachers could be hired on anything other than a permanent secure basis.

as mandy rice davies said “well you would think that, wouldnt you”

however, its clear that economics are a serious achilles heel for you

Stuck somewhere between a backtrack and a half arsed apology, no surprise there.

“economics is”

Not really. I think you know this is a debate you’re going to lose and are backing out to save yourself the embarrassment.

The public sector were looked after during the recession, it was the private sector who took the brunt of it. You’re going to have a hard job framing that argument otherwise.

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Debate what topic? That you are unhappy with your (private sector) career?

Forgive me for being underwhelmed by that topic.

Economics can be used as a singular or a plural in writing and speaking.

debating is also an achilles heel of yours as well.

if by winning a debate you mean that you parrot the same tired and discredited lines until the other poster loses interest, then you could possibly “win” the debate.

but in normal polite society you have to have the facts and ability to argue coherently and convince others of the merit of your points. not just bleat dogmatically

I used to sway towards the “teacher having it handy” because one of my mates who used to love the perks of being a teacher and wasn’t slow in reminding us at the start of June. He was just taking the piss, he died young and a lot of his pupils travelled a long way to be at both his funeral and months mind. Two teachers on here I know of are @backinatracksuit and @fenwaypark it’s obvious neither are in it for the perks either so I’ve gone 180 an am now pro-teacher. Likely they only come on here to practise dealing with toddler-like behaviour.


The last hundred posts or so are a real indictment of the Irish education system.

It tends to create lads with fixed mindsets. A few of us have broken free by focussing on our gut health.


I don’t want to get into it but it has nothing to do with covid. We have already exchanged opinions on the topic and probably won’t agree, but I understand your view point in it.

Again I don’t want to get into anymore, it’s chasing our tails.

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People who have to tell others how smart they are generally aren’t very intelligent, which is clearly the case here. Particularly those that can’t debate a single thing without insulting the other person


We will be well trained, vaccinated and under control. No liquid lunches

That’s a lot of bluster. You’ve backed yourself into a corner and the facts and figures comprehensively refute your position so you’re bowing out.

i havent seen a single fact or figure from you. theres assertions and anecdotal information but nothing that could be described as a fact or a figure

Why did you bother, he’s at this since 6am