Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Blither, blither.

You have been destroyed.


One last time: what about something like this craic in Portrush? Eoghan Harris and Big Bren could be impressarios.

Borris Johnson is a great lad all the same

What’s your problem with mens sheds? You’ve made that jibe a few times now. They have had a hugely positive impact on the lives and mental health of lots of men around the country.

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@ironmoth is a nawful man.

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Yes. You said it: “around the country”.

To be fair to the Deliveroo drivers I heard one of them on liveline during lockdown 1 last year and they had a qualification as a lawyer in Brazil. Think their dream was to be a chef here. I’m sure many of them have quite a high level of education when they arrive in Ireland.


Very true of many immigrants.

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How many lads can weld, forage for wild mushrooms or fix a car? @balbec’s young fellas would put the irish lads to shame…

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He’d probably teach 30 youngsters and build a bridge.

But can he cure Covid?

Hes too busy curing sausage

It might have skipped a generation

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“Ministers are expected to be told on Tuesday that printed vaccine records will be sent out by post and arrangements for a “verifier app” and a call centre are being put in place to operate the system”

Another nice contract for Abtran or the likes.


They need to invest in some tarp @Faldo

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:rofl::rofl::rofl:She’s fair enjoying been wet

Those Eastern seaborders haven’t a notion


Poor people