Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Without a doubt,and some heaters.“Summer” means fuck all in Oireland. I was below in Spanish point today and it was like February.


She’s reclaimed more land there than Israel


There’s barstools and tables being stuffed into nooks and crannies all over the country that noone previously knew existed

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Don’t go on TFK while driving.

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Pay no price for lockdowns though.

Good to see you up and about Sid

In the car, listening to the 7am news. Just going to throw it out there - Gerry Killeen should be shot.

The paddy variant of the delta is different to others, it requires a lot of concern and caution

The Paddy variant is very self righteous.

A ceremonial Hurley beating by Liam Dunne, Gerry Quinn and Clem Smith beforehand.

The UK had 37 Covid deaths yesterday, a sudden significant increase. A country’s death figure in a day is generally a function of their case figure from three weeks previously.

On June 15th the UK had 7,673 cases, yesterday’s figure was 28k and is likely to rise well above 30k for the rest of this week.

One day’s figures is not enough to base a trend on, but the signs are not good. Also in previous waves there have been similar sudden increases in deaths which were dismissed by the OIUTF cult for fantastical reasons.

We now live in a world where personal freedoms and businesses opening will ebb and flow depending on how busy the HSE is.

Once lads accept that there’s a peace about it all.


I spent a lot of money on a bike and a tent to do cycle tour from Mizen to Malin. If I’m not allowed go I’ll be throwing a bucket of water over the next FF person to come to my house. I’ll call it the FF Water Bucket Challenge.

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Tweets like this really do bring home the genuinely Nazi-like, social Darwinian ideology of the let it rip lunatics.

Perhaps in the future we will all be forced to work in variant factories.

“Arbeit Macht Frei”, or something something,

We need to lock down forever

One could be forgiven for thinking that’s what the let it rip lunatics always wanted, without telling anybody of course. A fiendish double bluff?

She likely has to take all manner of precautions when considering going out to pubs, restaurants etc at the best of times nevermind under covid? A chest infection caught from damp clothing and late night revelry could finish her off so I’d imagine she chooses not to pursue such exploits of her own volition?



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People with right-of-centre political outlooks seem to get over covid much quicker than those on the left. Might be worth investigating