Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nonsense. Iā€™m getting the 2nd shot in a few weeks, then Iā€™m never washing my hands again. BigSOAP wonā€™t be getting me.

Weā€™re up mid 50s of hospitalisations as far as I know. 2 weeks ago it was low 40s

Already this morning we have had a bookkeeper and a ladeen in the diplomatic corps giving us a low down on how viruses mutate.


But that is exactly what has happened. Why wouldnā€™t you think it will happen into the future?


Itā€™s happening now

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At what point do we accept that covid is here forever? When do accept deaths and hospitalisation as part of normal life and live with the risk. Vaccination gives a substantial level of protection but there is a much less risk than we would have without it. Death is a part of nature and disease/viruses are also a risk we live with everyday. What is different in 2021 as opposed to the previous million years in earth (despite the fact humans are ruining the planet).

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ICU covid cases are down to 13 I think.

Isnā€™t that already a given? You could count on one hand how many viruses have been eradicated.

This is what you were saying from Day 1 though. Certain decision makers and their allies with this attitude caused the unnecessary death of hundreds of thousands. The quick arrival of a vaccine that works is a game changer but people with your attitude couldnā€™t care less if thereā€™s a vaccine or not, all it is for you is a means to an end. I hope youā€™re in your 20s or early 30s as it would be an understandable attitude to have at that age.

We already accept it will be around forever. Everyone knows this.

The key is to reach a level of vaccination and immunity so that it doesnā€™t continue to do massive damage and we can get on with life.

Weā€™re nearly there.

What else would it be?

The vaccine gives a route back to normality, the fact it protects the vulnerable is largely irrelevant to them.

Rep of Ireland will be in Level 5 by October, for 6 months

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The link between infection rates and deaths/hospitalizations has been smashed in the UK, let it rip to fuck

This impact from a bad flu season will have us back in a Level 5 scenario

no herd immunity was built up against normal flu last year, there will be carnage this year

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Those sick bastards in hospitality need to be held accountable for the 255 deaths they caused in 2017

Dublin Marathon cancelled, what an absolute farce

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FFS :roll_eyes: