Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Holohan will have Ireland in lockdown in October, its obvious what the agenda is

Japanese soldiers.


How long is it between when you get vaccinated and you are covered for travel in the eyes of the law?

The most me feiner thing Iā€™ve done in the pandemic is use neck to get the jab, itā€™s not all me me me as you say. Dont get me started on ā€œweā€™re in this togetherā€, people say this without sarcasm. But at what point do you thinknita acceptable to go back to normal life? We both no each others positions on restrictions but is 80% fully vaxxed enough? Iā€™m factoring in a large estimate of people not getting it there.



When Tony Holohan sends you your papers


Is that Covid tracker app still going?

Anyone die from the J&J jab yet?

God bless your innocence.

I have no qualification in public health, viruses or vaccines so my opinion on when is a good time to open up would be like most peopleā€™s on here. Uninformed.

Tony has mugged me off good and proper with the Janssen timeline there

Variants come from random mutation so the answer to your question is they can arise anytime a virus replicates. One infected person produces billions of viruses so thatā€™s billions of opportunities for a mutation leading to a variant. Obviously the more people that get infected the more opportunities there are, but the process is random.

Coronaviruses donā€™t mutate very much as they have error correction, so itā€™s unlikely the virus will change significantly. The mutations that matter are to the spike protein which effect how easily the virus enters the cell, some variants like the alpha and delta make this easier so they lead to a higher R0 and more infections. There is no evidence that any variant so far has higher virulence as in causes more severe disease.


Thatā€™s the key phrase. There is zero justification for keeping restrictions in place in Ireland, unless your goal is Zero Covid which is unachievable without draconian restrictions like closing the borders completely and a hard lockdown like Wuhan for 5-6 weeks.

I donā€™t see deaths reported any longer so Iā€™m assuming Ireland has an occasional Covid death. If Ireland were at the same rate as the current rate in the UK, which is riddled with delta, you would have 1 or 2 deaths a day. So basically the argument is you must have restrictions to prevent 1 or 2 deaths a day from a respiratory virus that causes pneumonia in very rare cases. The vaccinated and unvaccinated young have about the same low risk of serious illness or hospitalization. The risk of death from Covid in Ireland and the UK is now similar to the seasonal flu, and lower than a bad flu season.

Those in favor of ongoing restrictions in Ireland take their lead from SAGE in the UK, who have finally been kicked to the curb this week. The most influential members of SAGE are all Zero Coviders, aka delusional lunatics.


Thereā€™s another important point as well. It is generally accepted, even by the lockdown fanatics on this thread, that Covid will be with us for the long haul. As their hope for a massive ramp in hospitalizations and deaths from the Delta surge has not materialized, the Zero Coviders have now pivoted to the dangers of long Covid. But the catch 22 is Covid will be with us for the long haul, so long Covid will be with us for the long haul.

So what they are really saying is restrictions forever, which is what they want.


Couple of weeks I think

Blindly following the morons with letters after their names. Education doesnā€™t correlated with intelligence.

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How is it going in the states. Particularly californa who had a similar level of restrictions as ireland

Weā€™ve been fully open since June 15th. Cases are around 1500 a day (population 40 million), deaths around 10-20 a day. Thereā€™s lots of warnings about Delta, but no rise in cases or hospitalizations so far.

Interestingly two local counties Alameda and Santa Clara have just revised their overall Covid deaths downward by 22%, as after review Covid was not the cause of death in 740 out of 3363 deaths.


No chance of that happening here, infact we would probably be looking at ways to increase the figures of those that died because of Covid. You can see Dr Tony counting people as deaths from covid because their cat or dog has covid when the person died.


Who would you have making the decisions during a pandemic? Lads who did Hotel and Catering in the local RTC?

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