Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Is it every state in the US and every other European country open for indoor dining now?

Any chance you could respond on the NZ thread, or are you going to run away and hide for a few months again?

Clm down Cleetus, the world doesn’t revolve around your inane ramblings on TFK.

I’m not the one accusing others of lying based on ignorance.

The mainland will be locked down before Ireland. Absolutely rampant here amongst young and they won’t isolate

so what? its a cold for young people ffs

You said Norway and Finland kept their borders shut. You know that isn’t true because I corrected you the first time you were hinting they had the same zero covid approach as New Zealand and Australia. You’re lying to to the forum.

:joy: :joy:

So how did Norway and Finland keep their Covid cases and deaths so low compared to the rest of Europe, including Ireland? They closed their borders in March 2020 and only opened them to countries that had low cases like themselves. How did Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia keep their cases and deaths so low? They closed their borders to China in January 2020 and enacted strict MHQ on any allowed visitors.

You’re not very good at this thinking thing are you.

At least you now admit that you were lying when you said they kept their borders shut like New Zealand and Australia. Progress.

Yes but there was no added risk opening up to countries that had the same low cases and controls as themselves. The equivalent in the US is Hawaii, they shut their borders early on and only allowed essential visitors and had mandatory 14 day quarantine. They have the lowest death rate in the US, not that dissimilar to Norway and Finland actually. Strict border controls and mandatory quarantine worked everywhere it was implemented.

What’s utterly fascinating is you still have people who believe you can control the spread of a highly infectious airborne virus (closer to measles than the flu) by telling people to stay at home most of the time. Except for the people you deem as essential who must go to work, often in crowed indoor settings the virus loves, and for the rest stay at home except for the times you need to go to indoor supermarkets crowded with people, all wearing cloth rags on their faces that wouldn’t stop dust particles let alone an airborne virus.

Our descendants will look on us the way we look at stone age man.


Sad to see

You said you weren’t a let it rip merchant. Your posts here prove beyond doubt you are, and then some.

oh dear

Are you worried or concerned?

Hotel jacks = Good. Restaurant jacks = Bad.

Government says restaurant toilets are riskier than hotel toilets for Covid

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Colette Bonner. Photo: Tom Burke

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Colette Bonner. Photo: Tom Burke

FionnĂĄn Sheahan

July 08 2021 02:30 AM

Restaurant toilets are far riskier than the facilities in hotels for catching Covid-19, the Department of Health says.

The Department claims hotel guests are less likely to use the communal toilets than people in restaurants, where more customers are mixing and using fewer facilities.

Indoor dining in restaurants is also blamed as a “major contributor” to the Christmas surge in coronavirus cases.

The claims are contained in a legal defence of the restrictions on indoor dining.

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A challenge by the Restaurants’ Association of Ireland and three restaurants to the regulations allowing dining in hotels, while preventing indoor dining in regular restaurants, will be heard in the High Court this morning.

The Government’s defence is set out in an affidavit from the deputy chief medical officer Dr Colette Bonner. One of the differences between hotels and restaurants, identified by Dr Bonner, is the use of toilets by customers.

She points out the number of hotel guests is limited where a restaurant can have multiple sittings. She goes on to outline the toilet facilities in both.

“Each hotel guest would have their own toilet facilities, and there would generally be a number of other toilet facilities throughout hotels; the more limited facilities generally available in non-hotel restaurants present a greater risk by virtue of the greater likelihood of increased mixing between patrons.

“In the circumstances, the decision to differentiate between hotel restaurants and non-hotel restaurants is reasonable at this stage of the gradual reopening of society and the economy,” she says.

The deputy chief medical officer also bats back on the comparison between indoor dining in restaurants being prohibited while shops and indoor activities are open.

“At a most basic level, persons dining indoors will not be wearing face coverings, whereas face coverings are generally required in the other indoor settings,” she says.

Pub jacks = hot beds of all manner of diseases. Surprised they haven’t been found to be the source of Covid.

Whatever it’s merits, it’s a bit moot given that they are already open.

is that a waterford whispers article?