Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Must be a spoof. Looks at the picture of the supposed author.


Ah back to these days, peak fear.:grinning:

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Is it me or had Dr Tony been quiet the last few days?
Heā€™s going to lob a grenade any day now

One of the first signs of this whole covid ordeal that proved to me things were getting hairy was when the queue for the sink was longer than the queue for he piss trough in a dingy pub jacks in Killarney March last year


Why it has taken you so long to have that as your avatar is the big question here mate.

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Sloppy on my part to be fair

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I have just been officially informed that the highly transmissible delta variant is now the dominant strain in Ireland

Itā€™s snuck in here as well under the radar, and itā€™s the dominant strain now according to estimates, 2/3 of new cases according to Scripps Research. Arkansas, Iowa and Nevada are riddled. We are close to stay at home orders again Iā€™d say.

Impossible. We have mandatory hotel quarantine.

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Nothing to worry about we are just going to introduce ā€˜Medical Apartheidā€™ here as Mattie calls. Paddy loves nothing more than having someone to look down upon and give a few kicks too.

Exactly, everyone entering the country from high risk areas Burndi, Seychelles and Cape Verdi are locked up. You canā€™t have people just swanning into the country from areas where the high risk delta variant is rampant.

The Kyrgistanis and the Mongolians thought they could fucking walk all over us, but we showed them.


6.5% of cases linked to travel. We need bigger gulags

Are the gulags for the unvaccinated the dirty fuckers?

@Batigol doesnā€™t even check the forms any more. Just hauls them all in.

Close the airport , burn the planes !!

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534 new cases.

58 in hospital (-2) - 17 in ICU

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Weā€™re going back under the bed arenā€™t we ? :man_facepalming:

The next two weeks are crucial.

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Nope we are going to have gulags and anyone who isnā€™t vaccinated will be put in there. It will be grand.

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