Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Will be a seriously long winter if I don’t get out of this country for a few weeks …I had planned to have my second vaccine in two weeks and be on the plane a week later

You will have to get @Batigol to smuggle you into the Airport to avoid the Garda checkpoint.

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There will be nothing stopping you. You can fly anywhere in Europe with a negative test.


You don’t see it changing with delta beginning to surge everywhere ?

Well I’d sort of hoped he’d have taken the hint and offered …

Just make sure you butter the test before coming home


Where do you want to go? Southern European countries want tourists, they won’t be closing up shop, so no I don’t think so.

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Spain . I fear they’ll introduce quarantine here for people returning

The politicians we pay handsomely to run the country?

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Irish, vaccinated, can’t.

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That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

That’s so depressing

Britain has mandatory quarantine for double vaccinated UK citizens returning from “medium risk” countries. And that will continue post-July 19th for UK citizens who were vaccinated abroad.

Apparently the let it rip mob think this is the model of “freedom” they want.

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Long covid hogging the headlines again. There was barely a peep about it for the last 6 months. Do I have deja vu or are we repeating last August and Septembers narrative!

New Zealand have been such a failure. They need to be like the UK or the US and bump off a load of their population for kicks. That’s true freedom.

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Amazing how the lockdown nuts had no empathy when season flu ravaged the health service every winter.


I wonder why. 400k in the UK have had symptoms for more than a year. The let it rip cult want an epidemic of long term disability, and they don’t want to pay for it, they just want to throw a load of people on the scrapheap. As Ayn Rand-loving sociopaths do. Until they need the welfare state, at which point they come crawling, like Ayn Rand did.

You’d have to hand it to Tony Holohan, he really does have incredible worldwide pull that he can get all spectators stopped from going to the Olympics.

Odd post