Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Do expand…what I’ve picked up from reading the OIUTF posters on this thread is that the whole thing is a Holohan conspiracy to shut down everything forever. So presumably he’s responsible for this too. Yes?

RSV pneumonia can be a far more serious disease than Covid for young children and the elderly. The mortality rate for children is at least X10 that of Covid and 100X for those that are immunocompromised. It isn’t a big problem for children and adults with strong immune system, but one of the concerns regarding extended lockdowns is we are destroying the natural development of immunity in children. They won’t thank us for it.

Well I don’t think many people in New Zealand would thank the government for opening up their borders and letting the Delta variant in.

Heard some bint on the bbc saying that the symptoms were similar to ME.
I’m suffering from long existential angst myself…which is definitely related to covid
It would be a sickening blow if England were to bate italy, but it could be a blessing in disguise…the tans will go buck ape for months and there’ll be no fencing them in. Maybe freedom could catch on in more subservient countries…like Ireland


They should be more angered with their government as only 12.9% of their population has been vaccinated to date their roll out has been shambolic. They can’t keep it out indefinitely and if it or other variants get in they will really feel the effects of such a poor vaccination program.

Indeed. Is there solid science behind long covid and the threat it poses or are we going on a lot of anecdotal evidence. I’m trying to decide whether or not to get under the bed… Michael Martin says lives are at stake.

An eminent scientist has weighed in on the debate


Sure if New Zealand had more people vaccinated than they do, the OIUTF cult would be trying to brand them “racist”. Now it’s, “they’ve failed”. They’re damned either way in the eyes of OIUTFers.

But shure anyway, 12.9% covers most of the “vulnerable”, doesn’t it? That’s what the OIUTFers have been saying all along, that only the “vulnerable” need to be vaccinated.

Again, yis can’t have it both ways.

Read the article, nothing to do with border control. It’s regarding the compromised immune systems of children from extended social distancing measures.

I never said the article was anything to do with border control. Nor have I or anybody else ever claimed New Zealand’s approach was perfect or anything close to it.

The article cites as its main source Michael Baker, an epidemiologist and Professor of Public Health.

Here’s what Professor Baker has to say about New Zealand’s Covid approach vis a vis Britain.

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You did you know. Nobody mentioned opening up borders, not the article, nor my comment on the article. Until you mentioned it.

You’re now claiming to know my thoughts. Is there any end to the list of things you claim to be an expert on?

As of the 1st of July less than 20% of the Japanese population had received a first dose of a vaccine. That is incomparable to Ireland and Tony Holohan’s decisions

That sounds like more than enough for the OIUTFers, who have been constantly prattling on about how only the vulnerable need to be vaccinated for society to open up fully. In fact Sports Gemma wanted everything opened up fully with 0% vaccinated. And it still doesn’t address the conspiracy theory that this variant has been manufactured by Tony Holohan, perhaps in consort with Bill Gates and George Soros, perhaps not.


What is your actual end goal or do you ever want life to go back to normal?

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U wot mate?

I have a mate who had this long covid thing. His only symptoms of covid were that his taste and smell went and didn’t come back for about 6 weeks. It was so bad that he was stamping dog shit all around the house without knowing it. Now he’s living over in the Caymans, doing god knows what amount of coke and drink and working to 6am on occasion. Another tragic long covid story. Meanwhile I was out of work for almost a year because of the lockdown.


Oh but I should say, I hear on the grapevine that he feels very anxious.

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This is normal life for him i’d imagine.