Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Wet pubs or dry pubs?

The 6-1 in reporting todayā€™s figures pointedly ignore that fact that hospitalisations have decreased by 12 in the last 24 hours.

Edit - Bowers, who doesnā€™t appear to be as much of a company man, gives it a brief nod.


Martin is marching FF towards extinction but heā€™s Taoiseach apparently thatā€™s all that matters to him


it might be worth enduring another few months of the cunt if that was the guaranteed outcome


It is all that matters to him and he sold his party out for it.

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Being the last King of a failed empire is better than never being King at all.

Tony is concerned again

Looks like CMO Holohan knows what heā€™s doing.

Iā€™m glad we gave the keys to the country to Tony for 16 months. What kind of a position would we be in without him.

A considerably worse position. And the same people who would have had us in that considerably worse position still havenā€™t learned.

Goldfish brain is a real thing.

Imagine how the Lockdown mentallers are cheerleading someone like Holohan after his track record in cervical cancer.

Youā€™d have to have very dubious moral values to do that.


Iā€™m dubious about that. With a different CMO I think we may quite likely have been in a better position. Quite possibly a worse one too. Weā€™ll never know of course.

You have to wonder is there any point in contact tracing. Clearly doesnā€™t work and a waste of money

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its a cod

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Weā€™re building a world class contact tracing system



There very much is a point in it when itā€™s done right. It could never be done right in Ireland because over the course of many decades the people elected governments who essentially rejected the premise that the stateā€™s capacity to do things was important. Thatā€™s why we have public health doctors using pen and paper.

I thought Ewan was going to destroy NPHET?
Probably waiting until Euros are over
Maximum impact

Itā€™s estimated that 2/3 of Covid deaths in Ireland were due to outbreaks in nursing homes and hospitals, so thatā€™s over 3k of the 5k deaths. The worst numbers were in January, so not alone was nothing learned or implemented regarding infectious disease control from previous waves, the situation was worse almost a year into the pandemic.

The #1 job the HSE had was to protect the most vulnerable, and they failed utterly. Ireland is certainly not alone, most western countries had at least 50% of their deaths in nursing homes, a lot of them due to the insane decision to transfer Covid positive patients from hospitals back to nursing homes. The people who made those decisions should be prosecuted.

If the HSE had actually done their job a lot of deaths could have been avoided, and I would argue the shit they were focused did fuck all to curtail the spread or reduce deaths. Will there be an independent enquiry into nursing home and hospital outbreaks and deaths? Will there fuck.


Iā€™d agree with that. Nothing was learned by the OIUTF cult who very sadly got their way at Christmas at the exact time when a more transmissible variant was taking hold.

The same variant you told us was ā€œbollocksā€.

And after that, nothing was ever going to stop the spread in hospitals and care homes.

The INMO were also very vocal about how they were not provided with the proper safety equipment which would have impacted the spread in hospital settings to vulnerable people.