Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Anyone who has ever voted FF FG and Lab must take responsibility for the no of deaths due to a dysfunctional health service.

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Stop lying as it doesn’t improve your image.

The alpha variant, or delta for that matter, spreads the same way as the original Wuhan virus, and measures to prevent outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes are the same for any infectious disease. Those that implemented best practice infectious control measures did very well, those who didn’t got decimated. One of my neighbors is the infectious control manager for a very large local hospital, they have treated several hundred Covid patients, but have had no outbreaks and not one patient or worker got infected there. Down the road a few nursing homes had over 100 deaths each, because they had no idea what they were doing.

There is no defense for Holohan or the HSE on this one, they failed utterly.


I think the response to this latest variant will tell a lot. If it prompts further lockdowns, I think we are genuinely facing lockdowns for a long, long time.

If we try to live with it, we have a chance of returning to normal

Complete agree with could have done a lot better. The civil service in on most part is resistant to chance

Hes a bluffer

You’re a fool, genuinely. The government, with the full backing of the pub, restaurant and airline lobbies, went against the advice of NPHET and Tony Holohan in opening up at Christmas.

That’s the reason we had the wave to the extent we did.

Hospital acquired Covid is a massive problem worldwide.

Again, you called the emergence of the Alpha variant “bollocks”. You have no credibility at all.

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Lockdowns can’t continue indefinitely the ECB are not going to keep funding us especially if the rest of the EU revert to being open

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We don’t have a lockdown.

Can you foresee any possible scenario where a new celebrity scientist overlord says it’s over, everyone can go back to normal and their own salaried positions should be abolished?

Holohan came up with the idea of a circuit breaker lockdown before Christmas and it was a complete disaster. It just got people pumped to hit the pubs harder.


There was no link to the pubs/restaurants and the spread of Covid last Winter AFAIK. Most of the cases were specifically linked to household visits and gatherings as a “meaningful Christmas” was promised.

Some people only deals in agenda driven misinformation


More lies and spoofing. In December 2020 I said there was no scientific evidence the alpha variant caused more serious disease, and as yet no scientific evidence to back up the claim it was more transmittable. The first statement is still true even for the delta variant, there is some evidence since December that alpha is more infectious than earlier variants and delta is more infectious still (by factors of X1.25 and X1.55). The most important point is that even the original virus is highly contagious with an R0 of at least 3.0.

Ireland eased restrictions first week of December 2020, not at Christmas. I agree some of the measures that encouraged indoor gatherings like religious services and pubs/restaurants was foolish heading into the most dangerous time of the year for respiratory diseases. But the experience was just as bad in places where these restrictions were kept in place, pubs and restaurants were closed here as were religious services and we still had a bad winter wave. Once again I am not opposed to sensible restrictions, what Ireland did in December 2020 was not sensible.

You are utterly wrong on hospitals and nursing homes, those that implemented the correct measures did not have outbreaks or quickly contained them. The most important step was expanding hospital capacity so Covid patients could be isolated from all other patients, was this done in Ireland? Was it fuck, there are several hospitals in Ireland where Covid patients were spread all over the hospital. The other mistake was treating transmission as droplet when it was aerosol, this was known in June 2020 and yet procedures were not changed to reflect this (this happened worldwide not just Ireland).


I must say I find it quite draining dealing with the blizzard of shameless nonsense and disinformation the majority of posters on this thread are prepared to throw out.

The last few posts have been doozies.

Suffice to say that people are entitled to believe whatever they want to believe.


You still haven’t answered my question of what is your long term aim?

10,000 posts


Zero Covid.
July 9, 2031


Lash em out

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How effective are coronavirus vaccines against the Delta variant? - How effective are coronavirus vaccines against the Delta variant? | Financial Times via @FT

Your belief in social apartheid in terms of a vaccine passport in order to have an indoor meal is abhorrent.

You need to have a look at yourself mate.


It’s done