Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Big 6-8 weeks coming up @Tim_Riggins! Fingers crossed you can eventually get it under control.


@Perez2017 , the likes of this cunt not coming home at Christmas can only be a good thing in fairness.

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Best of luck to you!


All critical reasoning is gone down under.

We cannot talk of course here.

5 minutes in after o Leary pulled her up on multiple lies Claire Byrne is worried about the schools opening up :joy:

You literally couldn’t make it up. She’s some fucking cunt.


It was car crash stuff. Might make the top 50 moments to remember when we look back on this. Number 1 being the bubbles with Luke o Neill on cblive.

Like I remember last year people were losing their jobs for expressing views about covid such as opening up and binning masks.

That may have been an extreme view on one hand but surely Claire Byrne casually dropping in that schools mightn’t reopen and kids could be sick in September is just as extreme on the other hand? I’m amazed she isn’t getting pulled up on this.

People have suffered enough and for her to be seeding this stuff on the national airways isn’t right.


100% but she has RTE, virgin media and 90% of journalists behind her. I read the indo today at the parents, page 1,2,3,4,5,7 were all giving the exact same opinion. It will be remembered as something similar to the child abuse scandal where so many knew it was wrong but did nothing about it.

I hope they lock the gates at RTE and throw away the key. I’ll cope with watching the hurling on sky sports.


This thread is for domestic/Irish matters Dim, keep up.

In fairness, you’ve done well to last 18 months so another 6-8 weeks shouldn’t hurt?

The schools opening narrative might seem like a throw away comment but it’s very worrying. If that’s the case we’ll be locked down for months on end.

RTÉ are profiting out of this government revenue is propping them up it’s in their interest to keep scaremongering


Of which? Nearly everything is open in Ireland to some degree. And you can fly around quarantine free in a couple of weeks. It’s still far from normalt but it isn’t Zoom quizzes and banning things like browsing in shops.

The majority of restrictions in Ireland at this point are self defeating attacks on business, but it’s a far cry from a January style lockdown.

She is all ears for the Zero Covid crowd. The person who wrote the letter she referenced is a hardcore Zero Covider in the U.K. and as we get into school season, the tactic is now to get parents groups on board.

“You don’t know (for) how many people the infection will bypass their vaccine.” Did she genuinely say that? The complete lack of understanding of risks and controls is frightening, but this is the calibre of gombeen we have on RTÉ. The sad thing is people actually listen to her.


He made clean shit of her there. Kids with long Covid, FFS.


O’Leary - “ooooh the variant, ooooh the variant.” :smile:


Dim is seething with how well other countries have managed the pandemic. It’s very unbecoming.

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You are vile.


Rte, whose original TV output isn’t a draw and hasn’t been for some time; they are certainly profiting hugely from this. It is keeping it ticking along for them, which is what it is all about there. Might sneek another few family members under the wire now.