Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Sure you genuinely believed there should be an actual holocaust just so you could go to the pub.

An unbelievable demonstration of unfounded, arrogant entitlement.

You’ve spent the last year spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories about vaccines. People like you are the very people who want to destroy the rest of society for kicks.

OIUTF is Instagram for terminally angry, middle aged men who have never read a book in their life.

Is the way forward not pretty obvious? 70% double vaccinated minimum before pubs open, preferably 80%.

Then vaccine passports and/or mass testing like Denmark.

The toughest time for pubs and restaurants will be after they open because a lot of people are rightly going to be quite wary of going to them. Therefore it’s in their interest that people feel as safe as possible going to them. Isn’t it? That way more people will go to them and they have a better chance of being sustainable. The OIUTF cult want them to reopen with no supports amid an unsafe public health environment where large numbers of these pubs and restaurants would likely go bust. It’s almost like yis want that to happen, just so yis can retreat further into your warm bath of cuckoo conspiracism.

“Actual Holocaust”? That is a fucking insane comparison. You would want to cop yourself on.


4 million are dead worldwide. Which is almost certainly a massive undercount.

Cheerled on at every stage by the goldfish brained sociopaths here.

You lose the room once you start comparing something to the actual horrors of the holocaust.

So we are almost there? I presume you will change your tone once we get to 70% in the next month?

I look forward to it.

You don’t really do anecdotal evidence that suggests nearly half of pubs or actual stats that all hotels are open without any spike.

Around January there were a few deaths in our parish put down as covid. I know it’s a emotive issue but there was a man aged 87 who was struggling, woman aged 97 and man aged 83 who was shook. The actual amount of people that died only of covid is much smaller. To compare it to the Holocaust is crazy.


You could do with a visit to Auschwitz. I went last year, in breach of every regulation, and it was very educational. It will change your perspective, maybe not in ways you would expect.

Personally, it had the unexpected effect on me of making me much more suspicious of government power but it also made me much less likely to come out with comments like that, calling things an “actual holocaust”.

Slightly off topic, I think it’s inconsistent that you view OIUTF as an “actual holocaust” but are adamant, even passionate, that the Irish famine was not a genocide. I always considered it odd that you would be so passionate about this point that you would argue about it at length. It was just a very odd point to fight about.

Both the covid19 pandemic and the famine could be seen as incidents of laissez fair politics. The famine probably goes further though because the British definitely wanted to reduce the Irish population and exterminate the Irish language, and although I’m not a historian I understand that there’s evidence of that from the period, whereas in modern day noone actually wants to exterminate old people. People against the lockdown just want to be what they want. There also was massive groundwork layer for the famine in terms of of system of land ownership, penal laws, etc. The British viewed the famine as justice, noone either right wing or left wing thinks that about the effects of the pandemic.

The only person anywhere who I have seen suggest that there is a deliberate desire to kill people off is you, when you heard that the British a few months ago hadn’t decided whether to vaccinate British children yet. You seemed to think the British government were trying to kill as many little British children as possible.


Great post

Consider the situation where someone has had an adverse reaction to the first jab, or is contraindicated to one of the ingredients, or has some other genuine reason as to why they cannot be vaccinated. What do we do with people like that?

Do you remember some of the Lockdown mentallers were warning of the rising case numbers in the North last week?

No Covid deaths recorded in the north this week. That’s the problem with these fearmongering lunatics, they don’t like facts and figures.


Sounds like the kind of outlook that would belong in QAnon or something like that.

If this covid lunatics have their way it will be Find someway identify them and then stick them in a camp. It’s the only thing to do and they will try justify it that it’s for everyone’s good. Remember we are all in this together. Load of bollix

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So long as they don’t clog up the health service, that has to be the main concern.

If the Orange Order marchers take twice as long to get round the parade on the 12th we’ll know they’re suffering with Long Covid.

We could end up with the Lambeg variant after it.

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Plenty see this as a viable option and it’s being touted by the government. I’m interested to get @Cheasty’s thoughts on how it is likely to play out.


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OOOOOOFFFTTT that is going to require some serious deflection.

It is shocking and sad to see these folks so excited to see this segregation brought. I feel sorry for those businesses that are so desperate to get back up and running they are will to agree to anything. It’s not like we have a great record in this country treating people fairly.

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Contrary to the desperate believers in fake history here, it’s historical consensus the famine was not a genocide.

But it could also be fairly described as a holocaust.

The behaviour of the OIUTF cult is rather reminiscent of the British during the famine.

Wouldn’t you think?