Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Learn the difference between the generic word holocaust and the Holocaust (which is always capitalised) as it refers to the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazis.

If you’re going to comment it would help if you understood that very basic distinction.

Again, over four million people have died of Covid and that’s almost certainly a drastic undercounting.

As regards a vaccine pass:

In the absence of an enforceable system it likely won’t play out very well. But other countries enforce such systems. And Denmark has been widely cited here as an example to follow. They enforce their system. No pass, no entry. What’s the alternative? The alternative is indoor pubs and restaurants remain shut.

Do I think Ireland will enforce such a system? No, I don’t. As I have said several times, I don’t think Irish society is capable of enforcing such a system. That point was met with fierce resistance when I made it.

Well you are suggesting they remain shut. The narrative of the OIUTFers has changed. Yis are now being offered a route to opening up, and yis reject that.

So clearly it wasn’t opening up yis were after. It was let it rip.

There are few such people on a population level. And such people are unlikely to be clamouring to gain access to pubs and restaurants when they risk picking up a virus which would kill them.

This is a question which is extremely pertinent to OIUTF.

What does that approach offer to immunocompromised people given that ye propose letting the virus spread en masse in the comminity?

Has there been millions of extra deaths world wide since this started? I’m sure if there was excess mortality the boys in Montrose would have told us at this stage.

Once again I understand this is a sensitive topic but do you totally dismiss the Mayo and Kildare coroners who both say 99% of covid deaths were not from covid but other illnesses?

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No they should open for everyone. Trust you to go with screaming Mary narrative that they remain closes. They should be open for all simple as that.

We will take it that you are completely dismissing both the coroners so.

I’m quite happy for them to remain closed. Youse lot are the screaming Marys. And screaming isn’t the half of it. Yis genuinely think there are going to be gulags.

Internet brain is a nawful thing.

If they’ve claimed that 99% of Covid deaths should be dismissed, yes, I’ll dismiss them, and very quickly.

You and your ilk have dismissed pretty much the entirety of the world’s scientific and medical community, so hopefully you won’t be too offended if I dismiss you.

Why should they remain closed? What is the problem with then being open and observing social distancing?

Take your head out of your arse, this is over, time to get on with things. If you don’t want to go to a restaurant or pub then don’t but you have to right to stop anyone else who does.


There are thousands of medics etc who have similar viewpoints but have not being allowed to share it.

Dr.Martin Feeley lost his job for giving a different opinion to NPHET narrative, if it happened in Russia we would be giving out about it.


Because opening pubs in the current environment will very likely accelerate a mass spread of the Delta variant, with a resulting knock on increase in hospitalisations, severe illness, long term illness, deaths, and cancellation of other necessary medical procedures and appointments. Not to mention the long term implications for the possible development of new, vaccine evasive variants which would put us back to square one. A giant medical experiment carried out on the population, in other words.

Your choice is to dismiss the experts who warn against such a grotesque experiment.

Martin Feely is a crank and was very quickly proven completely wrong. An education does not automatically bestow intelligence.

Nearly all your quotes are from people who are very highly educated but no actual common sense. Tomas Ryan does not know who Lionel Messi is ffs.


Online people like yourself who claim to have common sense almost never have it.

It is those tasked with the tortuous process of guiding Ireland through a pandemic as best they can who have to live in the real world, not you. They have responsibility to the population. Nobody here does.

Tony Holohan at it again, telling the laissez faire Dutch what to do.

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Medical folks are always going to go for the most extreme solutions it is up to the government to assess the risk and put in place the measures to allow people get on with living with viruses and diseases. Lockdowns and depriving people of livelihoods is not the way to do it. Open up and leave it to the people to make the decisions on whether they want to go to a restaurant or a pub.

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Given that you don’t think letting Covid rip through the population is an extreme “solution”, you’re very badly placed to determine what is extreme and what is not.

Well considering you want segregate society and have your head up your arse I don’t think you can comment on it either.

Like I said it should be left to folks to make the decision and there should be no segregation of society. Where do you stop? Do have special sections on public transport for folks who are vaccinated vs the unvaccinated? Is that what you want?