Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Tomas Ryan is clearly a freak. He is a zero covid lunatic.

Fat Tony he is just loving the power but he can watch a bit of sport and has some concept of reality.

We are still the only country that has banned indoor dining, of course all our experts no more.


How will it rip if everyone is vaccinated?

Tinfoil hattery.

If you think I want to segregate society, well then every other country in Europe is doing the same thing in one way or another.

We don’t say to people who are drunk “ah shure you make the best decision for yerself there as to whether you want to drive home or not”. Same with seatbelts.

Wouldn’t worry about this is what they resort too when losing. Happens all the time. I will add in ‘tinfoil hattery’ to that as well.

Less than 40% of our population has had two vaccine doses. Britain is only marginally over 50%. Britain is now entering into mass spread.

You have zero understanding of the dynamics of spread.

Are the most vulnerable in our society vaccinated? A simple yes or no will suffice?

You genuinely think the Government is planning gulags.

If you did somehow make it into in a pub, you’d be the lad people would just nod politely at and immediately move away from.

Why are they planning on segregation for dining but not for transport. What’s the difference? Does the virus know whether I am on a bus or train versus a pub or restaurant?

It’s already been explained, and by a poster not of my general opinion, that there are a significant number of immunocompromised people out there.

What does your “let it rip” strategy offer them?

Segregation from society? Permanent segregation?

That’s without even mentioning the mass of illness, severe or otherwise, and long term illness at that and death, you want to unleash.

Again with the extreme. So what did these folks do prior to covid?

This is the rhetoric of somebody who has made zero attempt to understand the complex dynamics of how society needs to exist during a pandemic.

You genuinely believe that either we should live under actual lockdown in all aspects of our lives, ie, no transport, no shops, no nothing - which nobody advocates - or that everything should be open, with no restrictions.

Crude reductionism of the dumbest kind.

And it’s hard to shake the impression that that’s how the other OIUTFers here have rationalised this pandemic.

Goldfish brain stuff.

They didn’t have to deal with Covid for a start. But that’s what you people want them to have to deal with for the rest of their lives.

What does let it rip offer immunocompromised people?

Again what did these folks do prior to covid? When flu was ripping through the population what did they do?

Flu is not Covid, despite what that crank Martin Feeley says.

What does let it rip offer immunocompromised people?

The OIUTFers here propose let it rip. It’s your question to answer.

There you go picking extremes again? What does locking down offer non immunocompromised people?

We don’t have lockdown now. Restrictions over the last 16 months have offered them at least some hope of not having to live in a let it rip situation.

The quickest way back into lockdown is letting it rip.

Look lockdown is gone unless you are saying vaccines aren’t worth a shite?

As for those who are immucompromised nothing has changed, prior to covid they would need to make a decision on whether to go somewhere or not depending on the risks, no different with covid same still applies, weigh up the options and decide whether to go or not. Same applies to everyone for covid, we have to assess the risk and decide whether we will do something. The likes of you want to remove that from us.


I think we should ban driving a car also. Thousands due on the road every year.


He was just wants everyone to be as miserable as him.