Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

That’s the problem miserable fuckers like him are revelling in this. Always using the extreme examples to justify their position.


If we have 55% fully vacinnated, how can delta variant rip through society?

It wouldn’t be the first Indian to rip through a person’s body


No point worrying about delta now. Its here and is the dominant strain. Like all other strains there is fuck all else we can do about it now. Get rid of the MHQ and bate out the vaccine into arms

Return of the time limit for the vaccinated indoors!

Tell Orla Tinsley nothing has changed for her. Are you claiming you know more about her needs than she does?

You can only laugh at this stage

Can only imagine they are trying to make hospitality so inhospitable that people just won’t want to go out anyway.

Your vaccine bonus is you can have a meal indoors. But you must leave after 1 hour 45 minutes.

@Tierneevin1979 is there any scientific basis to the 2 hour indoor restriction based on what we know now about how the virus spreads?

The Paddy version of the delta variant can evade vaccinated people after 1 hour and 45 minutes, its unique


Two hours is way too long apparently. There was an extensive study done on this at MIT. So say you were in a 20x20 ft room with 10 people and one had Covid. With no one wearing masks the average time to infection is 18 minutes. If everyone wore a cloth mask that increases to 20 minutes, but if everyone wore a properly fitted surgical mask it’s two hours. If you opened a window or had good ventilation it’s 24 minutes. So to be on the safe side, limit it to one pint per pub and 18 minutes a pint. Always loved a good pub crawl.


is that at 1 metre distance?

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I’ve an awful lot of sympathy for that lady or anyone with serious illness. It’s unfair. I don’t agree with her tweet though. I don’t have a solution to it, but at a certain point relatively soon society will reopen and she will still be under threat if covid is endemic (edit: which it will be). I don’t think ther e any way around that really. What do you think? I suppose higher levels of vaccination will reduce the levels of covid circulating, but it will never be enough to fully protect her. There’s no answer there that I can see.


So, if you’re 17 and 11 months you can go into a bar unvaccinated. But not if you’re 18. Unless you’re working in the bar.

Couldn’t. Make. It. Up.


The under 18s will have to bring the passports.

You’ll have to go out to celebrate your 18th birthday the week before, underage, because you won’t be allowed in the following week.


Any distance. Another study shows that if you are in a indoor space with an infected person, your risk is the same at 1 meter or 20m. Strangely enough airborne viruses move around in the air and don’t stay in the one spot.

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OK, so Covid is nothing to be worried about for her. Its just a flu.