Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

For Orla everything that could kill her is a worry, including the flu or a cold, or any virus or bacteria she could randomly pick up.


New Zealand can be quite satisfied with its choice.

Meanwhile in Britain, 400k have had Long Covid for over a year and the UK Government is planning to unleash another tidal wave of it.

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I’m sure I asked you this already but I don’t think you answered, what do you think the response to long covid should be? What measures do you think it necessitates? What’s its relevance really?

Having to prove your under 18 to get into a pub, we re really doing this arnt we?

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So once again you are back to lockdown forever. Which is the only way to keep Orla and people like her safe.

Lockdowns suppressed every respiratory disease, flu was non existent last year. That isn’t good news, especially for children and the immunosuppressed. With compromised immune systems, these diseases will be far more dangerous in the coming years.

Do you think Orla knows more than Luke O’Neill regarding immunity?

Long Covid is total nonsense


The response should not be promote more of it. Yes?

You are proposing to unleash more of it.

Yet another disingenuous post straw man post.

What does your plan of let it rip offer immunosuppressed people?

I will resist forever, until the day I die.

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I am not and never was in favor of letting it rip.
Your default position when you have lost an argument is lying, it’s childish and pathetic.


So you’re saying long covid alone merits maintaining restrictions? If covid only caused long covid as its worst effect, do you think we’d have ever seen lockdowns? I doubt it.

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You’ve continually argued in favour of the Great Barrington people who are in favour of let it rip.

You’ve continually argued in favour of right-wing US governors who have decided to let it rip.

You have continually lied about my position, I have accurately represented yours.

Let it rip is your position.

The Netherlands’ case load has increased x 12 in nine days. Let it rip is idiocy.

@Cheasty, any chance of a response to this one?

Covid will be endemic. How do you propose to protect people like Orla then?

Long Covid is one of several factors that merit retaining restrictions. It is extremely unclever to unleash a torrent of long term illness on the young. Isn’t it?

To you lot, Long Covid is “bollocks”.

There’s no arguing with that.

Why were certain posters who are very vocal with the term “letting it rip” to disparage others utterly silent when winter flu season ravaged the health system on annual basis and cost many lives?

It’s very cynical when sociopaths use a pandemic to virtue signal and deny people their freedoms.


Back to making up things I said again?

Why should Covid be endemic? It can be effectively eliminated if vaccination take up is high enough, and public health measures are used in conjunction with that.

Why should we want Covid to be endemic when it doesn’t have to be?

Again, you are the person the questions to answer here.

Letting Covid rip offers nothing to immunosuppressed people and it also offers nothing to businesses, because in a situation where Covid is endemic, confidence plummets, and businesses go bust.

None of you lot call out disinformation among your cult. It runs freely and unchallenged among you.

When you start calling out disinformation from the OIUTF mob - and I’ve never seen you or any of the other “serious” OIUTF posters do so - then you can complain.

And you have been disingenuous about my position for months now.

Who says it can be eliminated? Most experts don’t think so. It will be endemic but no longer as dangerous as it is now. That’s the end game. Vaccines won’t eliminate it, neither can countries.


Go on tell us how this will be eliminated?