Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

More lies. The Great Barrington Declaration called for sensible restrictions and avoiding the damage done by long lockdowns. They have proven to be most correct, as have US governors who adopted the same strategies.

Sweden is the test case for “let it rip” as you incorrectly label it. Why has Sweden not had the 100k deaths that was predicted by the Zero Covid loons? Why are they 23rd out of 30 European countries in excess deaths? Surely they should be #1 in deaths?


Elimination means you effectively have zero Covid within your territory.

If vaccine take up is high enough to achieve population immunity, and public health measures crush the small remaining amount of it you have, yes, it has to be achievable.

And that is the aim that has to be promoted worldwide over the next few years.

The UK thinks it is achievable - but I thoroughly disagree with their method of going about it.

That is all well and good for all of us but covid will still be around for your immunosuppressed pal you mentioned above. So what are you going to do then?

The anti-science Great Barrington loons were let it rip merchants. They peddled the nonsense of focussed protection, a concept so ludicrous it does bear response.

Sweden has ten times the death rate of Norway.

Lads who argue we must follow the science now disagreeing with 90% of immunologists and virologists who believe that Covid will become endemic. If you look at the actual evidence Covid is already endemic in many regions.


It will become endemic in regions that cannot or refuse to mount a proper response - ie. what the Great Barrington shills wanted.

Literally every country in Europe has 10-20X times the death rate of Norway, even with lockdowns. Ireland with the longest lockdown in Europe (but also the youngest population) has 7X.

All of the major signatories of the GBD, unlike yourself, are scientists.

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Exactly. Only zero covid fundamentalist headbangers think it can be eliminated at this stage. Most experts think that ship sailed a long time ago.


Why should it be around? Do you believe the vaccines are effective or do you not?

With a combination of extremely high vaccine take up and public health measures, it is eliminable or capable or being effectively suppressed.

This creates a much better environment for immunosuppressed people than an environment where Covid is let rip.

These are human decisions. Human decisions decide the outcome.

The vaccines don’t stop the spend of covid the just lessen the effects of it. So it will always be around like colds and flu.

Pffffttt scientists, what would they know

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Ireland doesn’t.

Finland doesn’t.

Denmark doesn’t.

Germany doesn’t.

They might as well be Christian Scientists. Their loyalty is to the buck. No self respecting scientist allies themselves with the American Institute for Economic Research.

@Cheasty knows best. :rofl:

What’s mad about this “lockdown forever to prevent long covid” shite is we could take far less harmful and divisive steps to completely eliminate smoking, which is far more damaging. Whats going on is just utter insanity.

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They heavily mitigate the spread of it.

What’s mad about it is that it’s just something in your head.

It’s a coping mechanism.

@Cheasty flat out all day on TFK


You’ve certainly showed me there.

I’d say you’ll get around 23 likes for that one.

Won’t advance the OIUTF case one little bit though.

Still not going to help your immunosuppressed mate is it though, the virus will still be circulating so what happens then?

You should get out a bit more lad,you’re flat out on this place 24/7.It can’t be good for a man’s head.