Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Yes it will help because the more people that are vaccinated, the more you have a chance of progressively running down cases to zero or near zero.

I think this thread is more than enough evidence that there are a lot of posters here that have lot more to worry about about what’s going inside their head than I do.

And again still not helping your immunosuppressed friend. They are still susceptible to the virus. Still as much of chance of them catching it as there is now probably more so because all the restrictions will be lifted.

Hospital numbers rocketing too.

On no wait. They’ve completely collapsed. Vaccines work.


Which is a better situation for an immunosuppressed person? A situation where the virus is running rampant or a situation where it is progressively ground down to nothing?

Vaccines work. Antibiotics work.

When you are given antibiotics, do you abandon the course when you notice an improvement?

No, you complete the course.

I dont give a fuck about covid.
I dont give a fuck about long covid.
I dknt give a fuck about some fucking parasite bitching about her immuno suppressant disease.
The only thing I have to cope with a tyrannical parasite cunts like you.

Get a fucking job. Contribute one single thing to this country instead of just trying to ruin other people’s happiness.


I understand you hate capitalism, but capitalism is the reason we have such high living standards in western societies, and have virtually eliminated poverty worldwide. Without the wealth creation of capitalism there would be no health services, and hundreds of millions would be dying each year from infectious diseases and starvation. That is the reality that communists like yourself deny, but if you got your way would return society to, in the name of “equity”. It would be equity all right, everyone would be equally poor.


You don’t give a fuck about people’s health but you sure do seem to give a fuck about other people having opinions you don’t agree with.

I didn’t think there was any happiness to ruin. Not in your case anyway?

Letting Covid rip sure seems a good way to ruin any remaining happiness other people might have.

Capitalism has killed infinitely more people than any other ideology.

Here are some of the latest.

The Covid vaccines were overwhelmingly publicly funded.

The broad international left, so despised by you, has been the main bulwark against death during this pandemic while the broad international right has promoted a Lord Of The Flies version of “freedom”. The freedom to die, uncared for.

He hates capitalism because he’s expected to get a job

Pre-lockdown was the happiest I’d been in my life

Thanks for the vote of confidence in me. I hope your prediction is correct.

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When England win the Euros tomorrow night you’ll be the happiest you’ve ever been in your life.

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Incorrect. Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Astra Zeneca are all private companies, the vaccines are the result of years of research in private companies.

What was funded by governments were the clinical trials, where do you think governments get their revenue to fund such efforts?


Has anyone with right-of-centre political views ever gotten long covid?


Long Covid is a state of mind.

Don’t be saying that you will upset @Cheasty.

How long is Texas open now with no restrictions?

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March or April. The Canelo BJS fight was on cinqo de mayo weekend