Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Two things that will sort out this problem, stop testing and get jabbing

Don’t be such a dickhead mate, you’re better than that. Cop on.

That’s nonsense mate, as you know. What countries have the stated aim of zero covid? Vaccines don’t get you there. They reduce it to a non-harmful endemic disease for the vast majority. That’s been the best hope for over a year now.

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How long since Texas opened?

March 10th, although they were largely open since October 7 2020, 50% indoor capacity for restaurants and bars.

It took about four minutes to find all of these. No government funding, no vaccines.

Pfizer Vaccine’s Funding Came From Berlin, Not Washington


Riley Griffin


Drew Armstrong

November 9, 2020, 6:45 PM GMT Updated on November 9, 2020, 7:26 PM GMT

Berlin gave the German company $445 million in an agreement in September to help accelerate the vaccine by building out manufacturing and development capacity in its home market.

The U.S. government has given Moderna Therapeutics about $2.5 billion, including federal grants for university research, for the development of the company’s vaccine and to purchase doses once approved.

Johnson & Johnson secured more than $1 billion in additional funding for its COVID-19 vaccine research through an expansion of its partnership with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Over the weekend, life sciences giant J&J said BARDA will provide an additional $454 million to the Phase III ENSEMBLE trial evaluating the company’s investigational vaccine for the novel coronavirus. These funds are on top of additional funding of more than $1 billion the company previously received from the federal government for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

I don’t think it will play out well either. Whatever about using the digital green cert for international travel purposes, which I don’t agree with either, using it domestically, as the government is planning, will have consequences.

Trump and Boris must have done something right, saving the world literally. Contrast that with your beloved communists and ex communists who developed vaccines that don’t work.

Where do these governments get revenue to fund such efforts? A hint. The US government collected $3.7 trillion in taxes in 2020, income taxes, payroll taxes, and corporate taxes.


They did in me hole. Governments were forced to publicly fund vaccines because they had no choice but to. Reality intervenes sometimes even on the biggest fantasists.

The German government funded the Pfizer/BioNTech one which is the gold standard.

Taxes come from the labour of workers. You are anti-tax. You have called it theft.

What is actual theft is the worldwide scam of trickle down (flood up) economics, which directs an ever increasing share of wealth to the richest, and has collapsed social mobility.

This is the type of society you support.

There’ll be no steaks well done for a while.

Was there time limits last year as well?

Last 5 days:
Cases: 28000
Deaths: 8


Deaths in the last five days is not a function of cases in the last five days.

By God you are truly clueless. The three countries who developed the vaccines, based on research that has been going on for over a decade, are the US, UK and Germany, all capitalist countries you despise. I haven’t noticed vaccines that work emerging from China, Russia, North Korea, etc. Pfizer alone spend about $9B a year on R&D.

The great majority of taxes in the US outside of Social Security are paid by medium to high earners and corporations, low to medium income pay almost no income tax. A couple in the US pay about 10% on earnings up to $80k and 22% from $80k to $170K. If you have kids and a mortgage you would pay a lot less, roughly 5% on $100K. The system is fair, low to medium earners pay little tax, high earners pay a lot of tax, but nothing like the theft you support.

I am pro capitalist, it is the only economic system that has been proven to work. Of course it creates rich people, but that’s a necessary side effect, it’s main effect is to create wealth which everyone benefits from. How did Ireland go from being one of the poorest countries in Europe to one of the richest in a few decades? Was it socialism or communism that drove the economy? The other alternative which you support leads to bankruptcy (USSR) and totalitarianism (China), but of course that is what you would love to see.


More abuse and more utterly bizarre references to communism, which is all you have. Stop watching Tucker Carlson’s White Supremacist Hour of Power.

What’s clueless about wanting a fairer society with more equal division of wealth?

The world’s most successful societies operate on this basis.

Ironically you’ve just proved my point about society being rigged against those at the bottom. The scandal is that those at the top make so much in the first place.

The US system is a scam. Which is exactly why the place is falling apart at the seams, both in infrastructure terms and in terms of anger.

You think the way to solve anger is with more of the same stuff that is a proven failure. Clueless doesn’t begin to describe it.

The average household income in the US is over $80k and income taxes are low up $200k. I would call that a fair economic system. Anyone willing to put in the effort here is well compensated and gets to keep most of what they earn.

What you are really saying is people should be paid more for doing nothing. That’s not how it works.


The US has some of the worst poverty rates in the developed world. The place is falling apart.

Before the 2016 election you said (correctly) that the poorer members of Trump’s support base were seething with anger at the unfairness of the economic system, Wall Street etc., lack of access to healthcare etc.

They are. The US is quite literally in danger of falling apart such are the cracks within society on every level.

But the poor people who vote for Trump vote against their own interests because they are poisoned by right-wing mass propaganda, which works to divide working class opposition to that system by making racism and prejudice against invented enemies like people of colour, “communism”, “wokeness” etc the dominant motivating factor. This is white supremacism in action. It has always been thus in US politics, right back to the Reconstruction, go further back to John Calhoun, who rationalised the “virtue” of slavery,. Calhoun’s ideology has changed clothes many times in the intervening 180 years or so but at its heart has remained essentially the same, and it’s ideology which makes up today’s Republican party. The US constitution claims to be about minority rights. It is. The “minority rights” being the rights of the minority who are rich, white and property owning to trample over everybody else.

If the US doesn’t change and start giving people a genuine stake in society, it will fall apart. Biden is trying, but he’s barely scratching the surface, and the US’s political system prevents any major change. If he cannot get comprehensive federal voting rights legislation passed, the US is heading for a dictatorship of the minority in 2024.

Anyway, nothing in this latest little exchange between us is relevant to the vaccine - but let me just note that it was you and your frothing, Mark Levin style obsession with communism that took it off course.

You know that $80k in average income I mentioned in the last post, it’s $100k for Asian American households. How did they accomplish this in a white supremacist country I wonder? Is it because they are white-adjacent? or just maybe it’s because they put great emphasis on education and work, the only two practical and lasting solutions to poverty. And before you mention discrimination, most Asians in the US fled from abject poverty or totalitarianism at the time in China, India, Philippines and Vietnam. It’s not as if they had an easy time of it.

Anyway, agree, off topic. Good news on vaccines, latest data on protection from hospitalization and death from Delta variant: Pfizer 96%, Moderna 96%, Astra Zeneca 92%.


You’ve continually refused to understand what white supremacism is because you live in a Murdoch bubble, so really, there’s no point in this conversation.

The US is falling apart. Most Americans agree with me.

Meanwhile, this is what the white supremacist Laura Ingraham on Fox News is covering. And you wonder why the US is falling apart.

I’m really not interested in rants about communism, especially given that most of the time, what you and other echo chamber Fox lovers are ranting about is actually an aspiration towards mild social democracy.

Nobody seriously talks about Soviet style Communism in this day and age. Well aside from the new organisation formed by independent SAGE and ISAG.


The mass medical experiment youse lot are proposing sounds very North Korean.