Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Restaurants letting people in with the Covid vaccination card today. A fuck you to Herr Holohan.


Has Gina taken a position?

Jaysus they’ll be 25G by the time it’s finished

The pharma giant CEO’s won’t be long in the slip stream of Branson, Musk and Bezos in affording space travel.

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Until we reach immortality, the pubs will not open. It’s murder otherwise.

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Have any outbreaks been linked to pubs or restaurants?

@Cheasty - England fucked up Covid

Also @Cheasty - Great scenes of England fans hopping, spitting and roaring all over each other trying to barge into Wembley

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If you thought you were getting back to any form of normality soon…the High Priests of Epidemiology are not happy

Does she not know England beat covid?


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It’s quite the dynamic that most of those who were hoping England would win tonight think their victory over Covid is far from having been attained, while those who wanted England to lose tonight are simultaneously cheerleading their supposed victory over Covid.

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Its a dilemma for us no doubt. Irregardless of the result covid will still spread in that crowd but will be interesting to see what effect it has on hospital numbers. We wait and see who will win that battle English hoodlums or delta.

Freedom day? Boris Johnson faces a tough call as Covid cases soar | Coronavirus | The Guardian

The desire to be free and have fun may also be restricted by growing labour shortages. About 600,000 people working in pubs, restaurants, hotels and bars were isolating last week, according to Kate Nicholls, the chief executive of UKHospitality. Huge numbers of people have been deleting the NHS app to avoid the same fate, and ministers are now looking at ways to reduce its responsiveness as they scramble to open up in a way that does not itself cripple the economy.

"We are seeing a high proportion of our workforce contacted by test and trace and advised to self-isolate, and it’s increasing at a quite dramatic rate,” Nicholls said. “At the end of last week, it was about one in five. And at the end of this week, it was about a third of workers, on a rolling basis, that are just unavailable for work due to self-isolation.”

People with an ability to think, by contrast with people possessing no more than a willingness to parrot self-serving nonsense logic, could see this swerve afoot. ‘A rolling lockdown’, in the phrase coined.

Now this scenario is here. And the Brits soon may have far more to worry about than scuffed penalties. The Tory backbencher, that well known class of Mensa candidate, must get his way – even if getting his way means value is not got out of the vaccination process.

‘Zero Covid’ is a straw man. Common sense and rationality are no such entities. The whole point was to get to a point in the vaccination process where the infection rates around second level and third level education, plus around the entertainment industry, could be kept at workable levels. Having built a wall with great difficulty and at tremendous expense, the Brits now take a kango to it – out of sheer stupidity and blind ideology. Little will be heard from the likes of Steve Baker and Nadine Dorries in a few weeks’ time. They will run for cover. Sajid Javid will have some interesting questions to answer as the gung ho supremo at Health.

The Covid kangos who continue to claim death/serious illness rates rather than infection rates are the nub of economic normality can anticipate a fairly rude awakening from dogmatic ideological slumbers.

Not that many of them will notice, since the pandemic/lockdown dynamic became a brain event of sorts for some.

I went out for a pint or ten last night indoors with 10 perfectly healthy males aged <30.

I don’t think anyone <60 needs the vaccine based on mortality stats but on the very few occasions the boys mentioned covid I had to interrupt them that not no healthy people Die from this disease.

It was disappointing to see lads who I’d consider relatively clever be sucked into the NPHET scare tactics. The conservation ended when I pointed to the TV and the scenes in Wembley and London where no one was dropping dead.

@Cheasty @mikehunt @Malarkey

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You are not grasping the key point, as has been the case for 18 months at this stage. I have been out for pints with friends quite a few times in the last few weeks. But that aspect is not the issue. Nor is the ludicrous inverted overkill of “no one was dropping dead”. This kind of childishness is mere whistling in a downpour.

Now maybe you know better than a key person in the UkHospitality trade group. But I certainly do not. And I think you would want to be fairly unclever to believe vaccination levels do not need to be significantly higher before anything like a full reopening can safely occur. And safely means here a return to some approximation of economic and social and educational normality. Otherwise what counts as the point? Specious bullshit about a self-cancelling version of liberty?

What will happen now is that UK infection rates will soar, the economy will remain hobbled, and there will be in the not too distant future another inflection of lockdown. This farthing thought is dropping fast even with the likes of Andrew Lilico. And Ireland can only be proximate to this ‘carry on getting it wrong’ craic.

The only exit route is really high levels of full vaccination across the board. Then society could reopen – and stay reopened. Impatience can be a good trait but it rarely supplants intelligence and common sense to sound effect.


I think we can all agree the euros were a welcome distraction from Covid.

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Yes. Very much.

Unfortunately what happens in UK, in the inevitable way of geographical things, is more significant for us than what happens nearly everywhere else. Whatever your perspective, there is no getting around this reality.

While a rise in the attendance allowed at GAA matches is far from the most importance topic facing the country, this development was a boost. I have my doubts where we might be in a few weeks’ time on this front.

They don’t seem to be too worried in the uk.

Wait and see. I would not be setting too many clocks by the geniuses on the 1922 Committee.

What is actually afoot is a proxy Tory leadership contest (times two) because they presume on being in power for at least another ten years. The lads who think they will be the next but one after Sunak or whomever are already eyeing the shaping of their profile for down the line. If a party seems assured of a substantial majority, they will incline towards an ideological debate. At one level, you are back to the old division: cut taxes or invest, dry versus wet, One Nation versus croneyism. The blond beast described himself as “a Brexity Hezza”, though he is more ape than Tarzan. That recent by election loss indicated that Al Johnson’s tune might be jarring a lot of Conservatives. And it will be interesting what Jonathan Sumption will have to say from his chateau over the coming weeks.

And never forget Andrea Leadsom was no more than avoiding one vacuous blab away from becoming Prime Minister.