Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Almost 3 weeks since the first match. The ICUs and mortuaries must be overwhelmed by now?


No longer about those factors, as will shortly become clear, alas…

The U.K. has extremely high vaccination rates that are growing by the day.

So where are you talking about? Are you talking globally? Romania just gave us 1m vaccines because they couldn’t get beyond 30% of their population and you think we will have extremely high vaccination rates globally?

I bet my fiver the UK will be just grand.

You are listening to the doom merchants on RTE.

you’d want to be a sadist to listen to RTE, it barely makes the news most day on the mainland, you have to get on with life ffs, and fair pay to the brits, no more hiding under the bed, live with it. covid is a total cod, one of the headlines on rte yesterday was a 90 year old women died in Belgium 4 months ago with 2 strains of the virus, 90 years old for fuck sake!! cut down in the prime of her life according to RTE

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No, I am not. I have far better things to be doing than listening to shite on RTÉ, such as watching hurling on YouTube. You listen a lot more to RTÉ, evidently, than I do. I do not enjoy radio and I only watch the nine o’clock news.

I hope all will be grand but I seriously doubt it.

It was the main story at one stage. A 90 year old Belgian dying of a respiratory virus.

And she unvaccinated.

Boring shite, long since.

Repeat: you are down in Clare and no one is going to give you a column.

Did you write this yourself?

Write what?


One of the reasons is because foreign workers left here due to Covid restrictions. And we thought we could Zero Covid.

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No, it is not. The nub is that we cannot carry a rolling lockdown of hundreds of thousands of people and expect normal society, business as usual.

I appear to be one of the very few who gauged this reality.

The U.K. is substantially open. You can go into an indoor restaurant or pub, you can go watch a game outdoors etc. The substantial changes are nightclubs opening and also things like the theatre, with no capacity limits. A huge proportion of the U.K. population are clearly already “done with Covid”, what these changes will mean is not even modelled to be significant anymore. Things like Super Spreader events are just not as material once the virus has spread to the degree it already has and there is already enough SS events going on with how people are behaving.

If you want to roll back restrictions and tighten up then fine, but the Freedom Day stuff is more on how you view the medium term of Covid than anything worthwhile on hospital capacity.

Why have a rolling lockdown at all now

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Oh jaysus… Why not ask Kate Nicholls?

Not at all? Surprised at that. I thought you’d be a man that would enjoy good radio. I like the radio, often opt for it over the television.

At what percentage level of vaccinations do you believe there is no need for restrictions ?

Nah… Radio is too predictable. And not too many people have an attractive voice.

I have thousands of CDs far more enticing, if nothing else.