Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

@malarkey has bought a CD for every woman heā€™s slept with.

Well, I am a layman. But common sense tells me 80% and more, across the board, including young people.

Look, I want everything opened up as much as possible asap. But for good, in as far as possible. There is no point in a swing swong dynamic, is there?

Anyone who thinks anything approaching 100,000 infections a day in UK will be grand is living in proud cuckoo land.

Vaccination is the only way out. And people who do not want to get vaccinated will eventually end up like people who still think smoking in pubs should be allowed. You can smoke in private, fair enough, but you cannot pass on your acceptance of risk to me. And telling me that we will all die some day is neither here nor there. I read EM Cioran and found it banal.


Maybe they were largely gifts.

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Be quiet bitch.

Lads unironically quoting the anti-vaxx loonball Marcus De Brun, who associates with Dolores Cahill.

You couldnā€™t make it up.

Some lads here have gone mildly cuckoo, you can sort of understand that.

And then there are the lads who put their trust in the Covid equivalent of flat earthers as saviours.

These lads are very, very dangerous.

A man after my own heart.


Yeah, I would say you know a lot more about a certain titch.

@Copper_pipe that pic that is listed above with the breakdown by age. Itā€™s only until the end of April. Would a resourceful fella such as yourself be able to acquire a more up to date breakdown. Or has the hack scuppered that?

I might be able to throw something together with the 14 day HPSC reports but I doubt Iā€™ll get the full data from May to July.


I think he gives Johnson way too much credit. Thereā€™s no way he thinks that far ahead.


:roll_eyes: :shushing_face:

Thatā€™s like saying MM wanted to ruin the irish system because he combined the health boards into the HSE :joy::joy: some people put 2 and 2 together only to get an answer in Arabic

Looks like the time limit is back. Even for the fully vaccinated.

Some absolute fuck you to everyone between 18 and 35.

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The time limit leads to transmission and clusters.

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Sure canā€™t they work away in the bars?

Except in hotels

Thereā€™ll be 17 year olds all over the country tearing up their fake IDs so they can get in for a pint