Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

So is the time limit only for the afternoon then?

Nah, the logic is that there will be some people in there - children, staff, maintenance men, whatever, who won’t be vaccinated and therefore we need to use caution. We can’t “let it rip”.

That’s actually fucking disgusting. Restrictions forever then, I can never have a night in a pub ever again?

No pub that follows that rule would be worth going to anyway.

Why are the schools open then? Fucking disgusting. No-one who swallows that is ever worth respecting ever again.

Chump is quite clearly distancing himself from Boris and the UK “Let it Rip” approach. An element of wanting to be the best boy in class.


Ah you will. There will be pubs for the vaccinated only and then it the no so nice parts there will be the unvaccinated pub.

More of an element of being a coward.

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Catering for the 50% still petrified

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I mean, distancing yourself from Boris’s approach to anything seems sensible to me.

If people would think about this set of issues calmly, rationally and pragmatically, progress could be made. I often wonder if there is a difference in kind or in degree between taking an anti malaria shot for travelling abroad and taking a vaccine against Covid-19. I would say, emphatically, a difference in degree. If you cannot prove you took certain shots, including an anti malaria one, you simply will not be allowed travel to certain countries from Ireland.

Jettisoning the canard that death rates from this virus are the main problem should be long done. The moot question surrounds the level of infection rate a society can bear and still hold itself ‘open’ and ‘normal’ in economic and social terms. The UK is about to turn itself into a giant test tube on this front. I am simply baffled – but not really baffled, of course – by how many people refuse to grasp this fairly rudimentary point.

So: how many people on this board have taken an anti malaria shot? If you have, what is your great problem – as regards personal liberty – in taking this vaccine? How different a dynamic is it? Not a lot, I would say. Despite scaremongering from predictable quarters on Twatter, the vaccines have so far proved nigh miraculous in their safety and worth.

There is no absolute liberty, as was discussed before here about driving when intoxicated or driving without insurance. The state sets these parameters – and rightly so. What amuses me is the self contradictory outcry against certain rogue Gardaí quashing speeding tickets going hand in hand with generalized inchoate anti state sentiment. You can have the outcry because too many people are in the grip of a childish ‘anti everything’ attitude, an attitude that costs nothing on a discussion board.

There will have to be mass vaccination in really high degree to exit this terrible dynamic. And people who refuse to be vaccinated will ultimately be at a disadvantage, same as with your inability to travel to Egypt if you will not take an anti malaria shot.

People are not entitled to take on risk for other people. And there is no point in telling me everything has a risk, including driving a car. This remark is typical of a black and white tendency in argument, while the reality is a series of grey and difficult trade offs. We will not pull free of this terrible virus – and its awfulness ultimately has rather little to do with death rate – until there is a really high mass vaccination rate. And the ensuing reality is that a significant minority of people are going to incur disadvantage, temporary or otherwise, because of their stance on this issue. This doubloon is a long time dropping.


Open the pubs

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Open minds…

Have you ever taken an anti malaria shot, may I ask?


There’s no difference. I’m pro-vaccine.

I would do 10 covid vaccines. Especially if those cunts would let me have a night in a pub.

My whole point means this approach means that vaccines can never be an exit. Even if the adults are all vaccinated there might be a child hiding underneath the pub counter at 1am.

I have an increasing objection with this approach. You’ve gotten your vaccine but you’re forcing your risk on me. You’re not a neutral benign actor in this. You’re forcing other young people who have a life to live to live the rest of their lives as if they’re 60 years old, even after you’ve been vaccinated. Pubs will be Vaccine Certs only but will still have a time limit, like last summer, as if Vaccines Certs didn’t exist. The vaccines have effectively given us nothing under this approach.

We’ll be about 75% of adults with 2 doses certainly by the end of August and there will be vaccine passports but you still won’t be allowed in a pub for 2 hours.


No, but I would

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open up for fuck sake and stop bleating on about cases now that the vulnerable are vaccinated, when is paddy going to admit this was a massive overreaction that has completely fucked the country, ii see that cork gimp scaremongering again today shiting on about long covid in young people, its a total farce at this stage and craggy island is a laughing stock internationally

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all those 90 year olds in the prime of their life need to be protected at all costs

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“People are not entitled to take on risk for other people” is a load of bollox, similar to the “we are all in this together” utter bollox that came before it. We have consistently asked people to take on risk for other people since this began, health care workers the obvious one, people working in essential businesses, supermarkets, meat processing plants, nursing home staff, etc. All on behalf of those who could safely stay at home, work from home, and largely avoid the risk of infection.

That’s before mentioning the risk to children of depriving them of a proper education, social interaction and developing a heathy immune system. The lockdown forever crew have no problem passing on these risks to children, again to avoid risks to themselves. It’s interesting the lockdown forever claim is to protect society, when what they mean is to protect themselves, teachers union members refusing to enter a classroom to do the “essential” job they are paid to do the obvious example.

As for the here and now, what risk does a non vaccinated younger person pose to a vaccinated older person? Both could get infected, but the vaccinated person has 92-96% protection against serious illness needing hospitalization. It’s interesting that it’s the vaccinated who are trying to dictate what restrictions are justified, given they are now immune.

The recent situation in the UK is one big super spreader event brought upon by the football. If the hysteria about infections is correct the UK should be seeing January levels of hospitalizations and deaths in the coming weeks. If they do not then the Zero Covid crowd and especially Independent SAGE need to be run into the English channel.


1 I would do 10 covid vaccines. Especially if those cunts would let me have a night in a pub.

Fair enough, so. And I know of nice pubs.

2 My whole point means this approach means that vaccines can never be an exit. Even if the adults are all vaccinated there might be a child hiding underneath the pub counter at 1am.

Your first sentence is not true. And your second sentence is making your first sentence childish. Do you actually want to exit the whole dynamic? Not everyone in every situation can be protected. But this enduring truth does not legitimize what is about to happen in UK. Again, the black and white stuff gets us nowhere.

3 I have an increasing objection with this approach. You’ve gotten your vaccine but you’re forcing your risk on me.

Rubbish. You are personalizing an issue that will not be solved by personalization. Hence I said calm and rational thought.

4 You’re not a neutral benign actor in this. You’re forcing other young people who have a life to live to live the rest of their lives as if they’re 60 years old, even after you’ve been vaccinated. Pubs will be Vaccine Certs only but will still have a time limit, like last summer, as if Vaccines Certs didn’t exist. The vaccines have effectively given us nothing under this approach.

Utter rubbish – and more pointless personalization. I cannot make myself any younger or any older than I am. I do not, in particular, want to see young people suffering educational disadvantage. I do not have any easy black and white solutions, like certain clowns on here, but I do understand mass vaccination, including of children, will end up being part of the solution.

5 We’ll be about 75% of adults with 2 doses certainly by the end of August and there will be vaccine passports but you still won’t be allowed in a pub for 2 hours.

I do not know about pubs and a time limit. I guess the real issue hovers around young people and nightclubs. At the minute, anyone who wants to have a drink can do so. The idea that we can ‘help’ young people by taking the top off a shaken bottle, so to speak, seems to me wrongheaded in the extreme.

The ‘where’s me liberty?!’ merchants will always be with us. You seem a good bit above that nonsense – or should be.

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Few fellas on here are gonna die from this