Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

What about tin whistles? Or, the gods forbid, flutes?

You’d have to ask them.

More like a comfort blanket

Just shuffle your table half a metre and you can gargle all night. Well until 11:30 anyway.

Despite the fact that we know that distance apart makes absolutely no fucking difference.

How much science do we have to be blatantly wrong about? What in the fuck are we at?

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:joy: the virus is airborne and people are vaccinated.

1.5m versus 2m is very Wuhan variant thinking


It’ll be grand lads. It’s only for a “number of weeks”.

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The HSE already have compliance officers for this.

Why are we still engaging in this theatre?

When will opening hours go back to normal and proper packed pubs?



When you get your third jab, promise.


Yeah, that’s the ridiculous part


It’s very hard to see it ever coming back.

Ramming through legislation at every opportunity to stop people mixing at all costs.

We hope that people are stupid enough to think this isn’t discrimination. We hope that the media will continue to ignore that antigen testing is now being used almost universally in Western society apart from here. We hope that the more affluent members of society who have been least affected by what we’ve done in the last 16 months will vote for us in big enough numbers to keep us in government. We hope that the nonstop deluge of fear that we pay RTE to disseminate continues to blind people to our abhorrent failings as a government.


That’s decent of them in fairness. Give a little, take a little as the man says.


Just had a wee look at Reddit there. This board is far from an outlier.

They have abused the Public Health Act.

Did you see Martin last week in the Dáil responding to McNamara? He didn’t even know that at a stroke of a pen that Donnelly kept fines in place for leaving the State.

Over time you care less and less as you throw out basic principles and values.


You’d wonder why the industry got railroaded during Covid :thinking: