Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Heā€™s a Nphet plant

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Paul Murphy TD thinks weā€™ll have hundreds of deaths if we allow unvaccinated 17 year olds into pubs :face_with_monocle:

The schools opening must be in question now until everybody over 12 is vaccinated.

Paul seemed as perturbed by business seeking to open and make money when we can simply continue to pay the PUP to staff and ā€œfor businesses that need itā€ to pay supports.


Anonymous posters on all forums or boards are generally outliers

TFK was more of an outlier last summer when you had a small few posters that were very much anti restrictions, at the time most were happy to go along with it in the interests of public health/elderly parents/ etc etc, many of the people most OIUTF now were compliant then as was the general mood in the country.

So weā€™ve followed a typical path in this regard, for the past 8 months this forum has been completely one sided, in reality thereā€™s only 3 posters arguing for the restrictions, fair play to them, thatā€™s a tough gig, you wouldnā€™t want to be counting the likes,
But thereā€™s no real debate, theyā€™re just shouted down and insulted at every turn


You can see everything closing again come September to ā€˜protectā€™ the schools as in theory all children will still be ā€˜vulnerableā€™.

We are very much still on the road to nowhere.

As regards time limits for vaccinated people, the conspiracy theory on Reddit is that itā€™s so the restaurants can kick you out and increase their turnover of customers.

A few of the most ardent OIUTF merchants now called me a murderer for letting my kids play with the neighbours sureā€¦ Some about turn


Like who mate?

Iā€™d call them mental but Iā€™ve been thoroughly chastened after the conspiracy theorists were proved correct on vaccination requirements for acces to daily life.

Lads need to relax.

Be zen.

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They can do that anyway and in Dublin a two hour time limit in restaurants was common enough

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. I think the forum has generally called out arbitrary restrictions like the 9 euro meal or time limits or MHQ as nonsense

when it got serious at Christmas most people including myself cancelled plans to go out because we exercised personal responsibility

Even now when thereā€™s talk of people faking certs to go drinking nobody seems to mention that people who have positive PcR tests have all by and large stayed at home voluntarily because of personal responsibility.

I think people are annoyed that the goal posts are always moving and what was designed to prevent hospitals being over run then becomes a different metric and the media take commentary from people who argue for tighter restrictions without any real analysis of it and unlike most things without somebody qualified putting forward an alternative perspective


These are all very common responses, the perception that TFK is an outlier railing against the injustice of Covid restrictions is bullshit, people with a degree of anonymity express that everywhere, people do it in private as well obviously, people are generally fed up, weā€™re no different.
This forum is probably an outlier in just how overwhelmingly against restrictions we are and how intolerant we are of opposing views

But @gilgamboa is correct, there was a very different mindset not too long ago, the about shift has been astonishing, perhaps we have some extraordinary influencers

I got the EU digital COVID cert by email earlier however when I tried to scan the bar code I get a message saying ā€œno usable data foundā€. Do they have to set up the system yet to download it onto an app or something? All other details on it were correct.

Probably wonā€™t be turned on till Monday I assume. Just getting them issued first in time.

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Do the dacent thing and post it up there

Ring Microsoft support, theyā€™ll log into your brain and reboot you

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OIUTF had an absolute mountain to climb after Christmas but have stuck at it and have turned it around.


EU Commission had a roadmap for mandatory vaccination and vaccination passports long before Covid was a glint in the eye of a test tube in a Wuhan lab. Ireland seems gung ho in the approach now and there seems to be murmurings that something may happen in UK although they are no longer part of EU commission now. France and Macron have highlighted at something similar but that would likely be met with fierce resistance, anger, protests and drive French voters to La Pen. I donā€™t think it would be too palatable in UK either. Next couple of years will be interesting.

Personally I donā€™t think it is necessary and is a complete disproportionate response. Where do you stop on this slippery slopeā€¦ Covid has been a useful tool though to expedite many political aims and objectives and will continue to be, all in the name of public health. The below roadmap is another pointer to that. You would hope that people will come to their senses eventually but there will be a cohort whoā€™s own existence has been elevated to the population mean and will cling on to senseless banal restrictions as they no longer have to wonder how the other half live. There really is no justification anymore once 75/80% of population have been vaccinated but theyā€™ll cling to hypothetical scenarios and variants in a pearl clutching fashion and point to some herd immunity threshold in the clouds that is impossible to reach. It was not and is not about public health to these people. It never was. It is about their own selfish desire for self validation and self actualisation.


I think Iā€™ve argued different ways at different points. Thatā€™s because Iā€™m in favour of trying to take responsibility and do a good job using measures that are transparent, effective and proportionate. As opposed to the bullshit rules that Ireland pursues like MHQ and nine euro meals.


Weā€™ve some of the best and brightest minds posting on here. We also have @Cheasty and @Malarkey who get schooled by a lad who drives forklifts