Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A 6 month stint on TFK would stand any one in good stead for the real world.

The cut and thrust is something else. You’d get a lot more from it than 4 years in college.


College is a waste of time. The sole focus is that students have “a positive experience”. Anyone having a positive experience on TFK is doing it all wrong.


The vast array of knowledge from lads on here is extraordinary.

From epidemiology, to supply chain logistics to solving murders to US politics. That’s before you even get to sport.

I don’t know how fellas do it.


College ends after 4 years,
Lads (at least 1) have given their entire adult lives to TFK


College is a total cod, I can’t even remember 95% of what I studied, it was totally irrelevant. It part of a traditional rigid learning experience. FFS I was out of my mind on pills untill I was 24


slow handclap, well done lads

There were still nightclubs in Ireland as of March 2020?

Must chalk that down on the “Things I Learned Today” thread.

The youth are beyond help. Not a whimper out of them.


Archbishop McQuaid will looking down and smiling at that.

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The only Young people that are likely to protest are the student union types who are more into BLM, LGBT. They are the virtue signallers who talk a good game scoring points on such issues but are really just lickarse to the establishment.

The rest of us will ignore the rules as much as possible without causing a fuss.


Young people who are politically active are usual left-leaning and see OUITF as greedy capitalists in action.

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No, ye prefer to kill people slowly through depression and suicide.

OK Ewan.

Champagne socialists. They are not in any way representative of Young people.

From my own POV I will ignore all restrictions to a point where I don’t want to cause a fuss and went further by contacting a few TDs. The rest of my friends will abide by more rules and won’t contact anyone whilst secretly giving out.

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Post it up there and I’ll see if I can’t get it running for you

Did you go to any of the protests?

No I didn’t. I would consider it but I’m generally too busy either working, playing sport or socialising with friends to have time.

We all partied.

You feel strongly about restrictions but won’t protest. You disagree with the medical experts about the vaccine but took it anyway. You then moan about lick arses and spineless people in the country, totally oblivious that you are actually one of those invertebrates.