Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I want to go on holiday then I have no choice but to take the vaccine. No amount of protesting will change that.

If there was a large protest I would consider going.

So you can only get a Recovery Certificate if you had a positive in the last six months, but didnā€™t they recently say you had Covid immunity for nine months after a positive test?

None of the OIUTFers ever call this stuff out. They love it. OIUTF is real life Brass Eye.

Mattie McGrath is obviously a cretin but you canā€™t expect people to spend their entire lives online taking down every single person out there with an objectionable viewpoint. Youā€™re the only one I know who does that.

BTW you yourself were fairly gung ho with the holocaust comparisons over the weekend IIRC.


Come late August Iā€™ll be looking for illegal raves and big houseparties. Iā€™ve been very responsible so far. Who knows, maybe it could be a good scene.

Anyone in those young political party groups are fucking weirdos. When rte news did a segment on how the 2 tier society will affect young people they interviewed the leader of yfg, a weirdo who doesnā€™t represent the youth


I donā€™t.

I donā€™t.

It was an accurate reference. Itā€™s a pity lads here donā€™t know the difference between the generic word holocaust and Holocaust (always capitalised) as it refers to the mass slaughter of the Jewish people in World War II. Youā€™d think lads who object to the reference would at least have known that, but apparently not.

Nightclubs would have closed the same time as ā€œwetā€ pubs in mid-March of last year. Would have been business as usual until late February/early March.

Got my vaccine pass there. :+1::+1:


So how much of a risk are you not really facing? Or what age group is more at risk from the vaccine than from the virus?


I was last in Coppers in mid Feb 2020 and it was business as usual.

Iā€™m pretty sure they didnā€™t open the weekend March 13/14.

They had a campaign about ā€˜no kissingā€™ which was a bit of a joke from March 1st onwards when handshaking was banned.

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Did you not test positive at some point?

I told my mrs I got mine. Sheā€™s a few years younger and hasnā€™t had first jab yet. Asked me what does it mean. Told her I was heading to Portugal. She said that was fine once I remembered to put the sun cream on the kids.


Namely allowing younger people to spread the virus in late bars/clubs and nightclubs which are now closed between 12-6am.

Your point, caller?

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Do you think theyā€™ll ever revisit the whole 3 to 4 years for a degree ? I canā€™t see future generations having the interest ā€¦ everything is instant now and getting more so ā€¦theyā€™ll want to be earning coin within a year of leaving school

Yeah I remember being out in early March but there was a sense that weā€™d be witnessing some kind of shutdown within the following couple of weeks. Suppose at least Coppers had a huge revenue pre-lockdown so they should be in a position to reopen again whenever the opportunity arises.

The three posters arguing for restrictions are insulted at very turn?

One has consistently accused those who disagree with him of wanting to murder all old people and craving maximum Covid deaths. Iā€™m not sure how many people on this forum have lost loved ones to Covid, but as someone who lost an aunt I would regard that rhetoric as insulting.

The second one got banned from here (for a day) for a disgusting personal attack, and started a Twitter campaign of vengeance, including doxing the owner of the site and trying to link him to racism. No bad intent there.

The third one got so offended at me he embarked on a national crusade to find traces of me and tracked me down to an obscure village in Galway, and disparaged my immediate family, most of whom are dead or living outside the country. When challenged on it he ran away, instead of apologizing like a normal human being would do.

A fine bunch of lads you have aligned yourself with.


So you got the vaccine cos it allows you to head to Magaluf. A man of principles.