Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


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The centralised database for vaccine certs is stored in Luxembourg if you download the Covidcheck.Lu app and scan the QR code from the cert all the details appear on screen akin to airport/bar/restaurant checks etc.


Isn’t that why most people are getting the vaccine so that they can get away on a holiday?


This is a pretty stale and stupid line of attack out you to be honest.

Many people will who may not be particularly motivated to take the vaccine will do it to make their lives easier. Some countries where take up has not been great are now looking at increased privileges for vaccinated people and are even giving out vouchers if you get vaccinated.

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My reason was to protect my health and the health of others but @glasagusban got very irritated with me when I suggested a lot of people couldn’t give a flying fuck about other people once the vaccine allowed them to head to Magaluf for a few jars. Thanks for confirming.


You are not protecting anyone else but yourself when you get the vaccine. The vaccine is not going to stop the spread of Covid all it does is lessen the impact on you if you get it and therefore it cuts down the people being admitted to hospital. So whether you get it to protect yourself or because it makes life easier for heading of to magaluff it is all the same. Don’t be codding yourself you are protecting others because you can still spread it.

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The above suggests you’re incorrect.

Lads blithely subjecting themselves and future generations to a system of scrutiny, discrimination, control and who knows what else, without so much as asking why or for how long. Absolute cretins. They should be ashamed


This suggests you may also be incorrect.

I never said the vaccine prevents infection or spread 100%.

So how are you protecting the health of others by getting the vaccine if you are not stopping the spread of the virus? Fair enough by getting the vaccine to lessening your chances considerably of going into hospital and having to be looked after but your are not protecting anyone.


You don’t. PCR test either side of flight and you’re grand.

spot on, The covid freaks think you can’t get it after the vaccine

While there’s a chance I mght still be able to contract the virus after the vaccine there’s also the chance that I won’t. I haven’t seen the stats. Neither have I seen any evidence that suggests the vaccine is useless against contracting the virus, therefore getting the vaccine means I am lessening the chance of getting it and thus spreading it.

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There’s a 100% chance of getting the virus when vaccinated, all you are doing is reducing the possibility of serious illness.

What I meant was that the days of the nightclub seem to be largely a thing of the past and that was already the case pre-pandemic.

“all you are doing”…

You are some lummox. Vaccinated people, even if they have the virus on their person, cannot give the virus to other vaccinated people. If you cannot grasp this nub, I hope you went early today to the bottle, because otherwise you are, and will remain, in big bother.

Thing is, clowns like you – and you are at this shite in bad faith, in a vain attempt to give yourself a personality – can offer no solution, no way forward. None whatsoever. All ye can say is bullshit, whether strident bullshit or whimsical bullshit: 'The death rates are blah blah, 'tis only old people after all, ‘tis only like a flu.’ Nothing – nothing – backs up that point of view. It is the infection rates, stupid. Or why has no credible government acted in the vein ye ‘suggest’? Why did governments across the world not allow a crowd of middleaged malcontents on The Internet to save the world trillions? That question, of course, would never occur. I guess such levels of ego bestows tungsten stupidity.

I have trounced ye in every significant argument. Why? Because I can think, because I have no ideology blinkers. And the thinking involved, let me tell ye, operates at no high level. Meanwhile we have latchikos, led by one of the most self confidently stupid people I have ever encountered, someone who believes thinking equates to counting, effectively holding that no government anywhere should have done anything – or should have done what amounted to nothing. Or were we not meant to be all but done with Covid 12 months ago?

The GBD-prating shite is just the gullible toxic following the knowing toxic, like a peasant hoping the master will take a shine to his wife. You cannot have a paradigm for dealing with this virus across the planet any more than you can grow coconuts in Castlegar or British Queens in Qatar. Thinking Sweden or India (or wherever it was last for the terminally daft) can offer such a transnational paradigm offends nature. All there was to hand, a lot of the time, was caution and prudence. You can read all the scientific (or pseudo scientific) articles you want. An ounce of natural intelligence is worth a ton of that reading.

Yere sheer lack of comprehension is staggering, except when it comes from the kangos. Then the denseness is perfectly comprehensible. They have been festering in right wing nonsense for so long that they no longer know their personality alibi arse from their inflexible elbow. This rigidity is the inevitable consequence of believing you know it all when you know almost nothing.

If people do not want to get vaccinated, so be it. But they will occur disadvantage, which is quite right, and so be that scenario as well. The only way out is mass vaccination, across the board, across all the age groups. Until then, you will either have restrictions or a pointless pendulum swing between premature opening up and subsequent retreat. I know which option is the rational pragmatic sensible one.

The sheer childishness of right wing fuckwittery is ever more apparent every day. Ye have no solution to offer. So ye should shut up, get vaccinated and take it from there. Some of us, most of us, want to resume a normal life. And right wing clowns are not going to be allowed to stop us or anyone else from doing so.


Too aysey

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wtf are you on about? the nightclub was over for you because you’ve no friends. what an utter cunt


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