Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

That craic is called a ‘category error’.

I notice you have avoided answering the question, it was a simple one or is that you don’t know answer?

In reality these idiots are demonstrating in favour of extended restrictions. Dumb slogans borrowed from an altogether simpler time and place and entirely different context do not cut it against cold, hard reality. These people are engaging in the cult of mass delusion, the rejection of knowledge and Lord Of The Flies US style version of “freedom”, a cancerous, indvidualistic, society-destroying nihilism.

The Lambda variant gives you an awful rash on your ballsack I heard

Even for women


Indoor dining is already open in any rural pub that wants to and all hotels.

Your failure to recognise anecdotal behaviour of the majority of the population is startling.

Will the likes of mcsharry vote against it is the real question. Playing a hard OIUTF on twitter to win the appeal of OIUTF people.

“Anecdotal behaviour of the majority” is an oxymoron.

Cases are rising inexorably. They will rise until more restrictions come in. Delta is winning the race, and the margin is not close.

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So the vaccines work. And who is vulnerable?

Not a fucking chance. Nothing but All Talk, him and McGuinness

The mask slips.

Vaccines are the way out of this.

@Cheasty is gagging for another lockdown.

I hope he gets ruined on twitter over this. The only way the cunts will learn.

And we are not vaccinated nearly enough. So we will have no alternative but another round of restrictions. My bet is that outdoor pubs will be shut down in a matter of weeks. And if and when we are vaccinated enough, three or four or five months down the road, we will have to implement mass testing, and then we will have to go again with another round of vaccinations.

Oh I will be answering you, nay worry.

Meanwhile you are still making a category error. Would you know, by any chance, what a syllogism is?

Flu = respiratory illness

Covid-19 = respiratory illness

Flu = Covid-19

You must set out a lot of the time to buy yoghurt and end up coming home with a goat. Must cause you a fair bit of bother – not to speak of the smell.

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What are you shiting on about? Makes no fucking sense like most of your ranting and raving.


Re Marc McSharry: Ever get the feeling you’ve been had?

McSharry, like Michael McNamara and Mattie McGrath and the Healy Raes and Verona Murphy and Gobshite O’Donoghue, is playing yis for fools.

None of them care a damn about reality. They only care about re-election and saying the things they know will get them re-election. They’re pied pipers.

And they are having yis. On a plate. With some fava beans and a nice chianti.

“Marketplace of ideas”.

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None of the them give a fuck in any party. They are all there to get their snouts in the trough and to keep it there.

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I don’t get what bearing delta will have on healthy people who are less than 40?

These cases don’t effect hospitals

Nonsense. The same risk principal still applies even if its to a lesser extent. Every year we prepare for the flu which inevitably is going to lead to the death of thousands of vulnerable people. A vaccine is available those in risk catagories, health care workers and the general public. All advised to get it by public health. Many don’t and every winter the hospitals are over run. And people die.

It’s telling @Malarkey won’t answer the question as it makes him look like a hypocrite if he doesn’t get yearly flu vaccines. He rallies against people not willing to get vaccinated as he feels are putting others at risk. What do you think people spreading the flu around every year have been doing!


Degrees of cynicism.