Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Everything is a function of cases. Everything.

Ah yeah. I am ranting and raving.

I suppose you have the cognitive equivalent of colour blindness.

Again talking shite.

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You would think that, as Mandy Rice Davies might say, wouldn’t you?

Even by the OIUTF’s chthonic standards, you are one seriously dumb ladeen.

How does it feel to be dumb? Is it like a constant sore throat and sniffles?

There ya are ranting and raving again.


I don’t take that comment as you being smart, mate. EHOs cannot go into a premises and start asking for papers (“inspect and verify proof of immunity or proof that a person is a permitted person”)

…less than 70…Seriously

This tirseome utter gimp @Malarkey still banging on about case numbers. How many times has this been explained? The zealots and the mindless want their covid world and all it contains, there’s no data or facts that will sway.

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In addition, which flu are we comparing to? The Spanish flu infected 500 million and killed 50 million, when the human population was 1.5 billion, so infected 1/3 of the human population and killed over 3%. In comparison Covid has killed 0.05% of the human population in roughly the same timeframe of 18 months.

We have now entered the twilight zone where absolutely insane nutcases insist society impose restrictions on everyone for a disease that is killing about 30 people a day in the UK, of the 1500 that die every day, and the doomsday scenario is it could kill 100 people a day.

I truly hope we don’t get hit with a Spanish type flu.


Read this fella who is one of the most influential Kiwis advising their government;

Covid going to flu levels of death would be barbaric apparently because we have an effective vaccine. This ignores however that;

  1. society does accept flu death numbers
  2. whilst flu does not have a vaccine as effective as Covid-19 ones, we do actually have flu jabs. If more people took them annually, we could help hospitals and death rates. The facts are though that 1) is the case.

In this instance, this Kiwi is stating that Covid vaccinations much reach a point or near zero death. And that flu levels of death would not justify opening their borders, for example.

This is what happens when you hand over the running of your society to public health.


If I’m honest, my optimisim about vaccine success is being tempered by the mentallers rolling in to say “done with Covid”, again. Even @Enrique is back. Hopefully they’re right this time but with their record …

I’ll take public health over publican-run health any day, thanks.

Michael Baker was also the expert quoted in the widely shared Guardian article about RSV in New Zealand.

Yis were happy to listen to him then, not so much now. That’s what happens when you have a kulturkampf-led, football team view of public health.

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:joy: :joy:

But but but long covid. Which reminds me there is the exact same issue with the seasonal flu. Yet these lads don’t bother to get vaccinated for that and are happy to let it rip.
Luckily enough one of the big pharma companies have managed to combine both the flu vaccine and covid vaccine in to one shot. Going through studies right now.

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The notion we’re “done with Covid” now is the same as saying a house on fire is fine to live in when you’ve put out most of the fire, but not all of it.

The OIUTFers refuse to understand that the process of a return to normality is going to be long and messy. They can only comprehend a clean break, a “Freedom Day”. It doesn’t work like that. They’re like children shouting “are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?”

We are actually, very nearly vaccinated enough. 72% with one dose suggests we’ll be at 72% fully done in less than a month, more even of a decent few J&J are given out. Hitting the magical 80% before the end of August. Against that indoor hospitality has been delayed a few weeks and now will operate on a restricted basis when it does come in. Add to that the number recovered.

I’d say we could well be grand and not have to close anything again.

By the end of September everyone who will take a vaccine will have had the opportunity. I suppose teenagers will get done next and there’ll be no real justification for restrictions after that. A Pfizer booster for all the people that got Az. Out the gap then.

Are those figures just counting those that have got the vaccine or are they also including people who have caught covid and recovered but haven’t had the vaccine yet? As they are considered immune so should be included in the overall total for that magic number

The entire population or as close to it as possible needs to get vaccinated. We are not near that yet. We are months away from it. Adult population is a meaningless figure. It’s the entire population that counts.

Never trusted the government OIUTF tds. They were always going to be full of shit. But I will ensure that their hypocrisy is in lights.

The Artist Formerly Known As A Member Of The Gaming Community…

You must be great at table tennis. For all sorts of reasons.