Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Why would you trust independent OIUTF TDs? They reject reality, reason and knowledge, they ridicule it. They are Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green. They might as well be QAnon.

@Cheasty @mikehunt @Malarkey

If the UK/US reopening is proved to be a success will you admit you were wrong?

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You’re over estimating this government above Glas. I think you’re going to be wrong there just like you were about vaccine passports.

The goalposts will be moved again in relation to the justification for restrictions.

We need an election and Nphet to be disbanded.

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The US reopening is already a success, you would absolutely not notice here that there is a deadly pandemic going on. Maybe 10% of people wearing masks in supermarkets, indoor bars and restaurants crowded, tourist attractions crowded, etc. Amazing what happens when the vulnerable are vaccinated.


You can’t expect to be taken in any way seriously when you write this sort of rot. This is extreme conspiracy theory nonsense - “Great Reset”, QAnon level stuff.

Public debate and especially online debate is growing more and more cuckoo by the day. There is a cohort of people out there who just cannot deal with complexity, uncertainty, and cold, hard, reality.

Cold hard reality is the US economy is recovering as we learn to live with Covid. Following your approach will lead to a deep economic recession and societal breakdown. That’s the primary reason governments are increasingly ignoring headbangers and pushing on with reopening. Leftist headbangers have no issue with economic destruction or societal breakdown, in fact that’s what they crave.

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Disagree. You’re still going on about wiping it out. The endgame is covid becoming endemic but harmless. 80% of adults should get us close to that. I expect Ireland will vaccinate more people that 80% of adults, take up here is really high, which is great.

Again, this is QAnon level stuff.

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The recovery of the US economy is a conspiracy theory?

Anybody who rejects the goal of eliminating Covid is rejecting the future prosperity of humanity.

Eliminating Covid does not mean endless lockdown during the process of elimination. We do not have lockdown now. But it does mean a range of pesky and annoying public health measures for quite a long time, propensity for reversal if necessary, and likely repeated vaccinations.

Economies cannot proceed without confidence. Those who reject the idea of elimination are proposing endless lack of confidence. That’s a road to destruction.

That’s one of your most nonsense ones yet. I’d put it on a par with most of the shite labane posts.


Anyone who thinks Covid can be eliminated at this stage should be ignored, as they are clearly delusional. Could the flu be eliminated? Surely that would also be a noble goal as it would save hundreds of thousands of lives each year, up to 25,000 in the UK alone.


You agree with former poster labane on at least 90% of his Covid inputs.

Covid is not flu. At all stages during this pandemic you have compared Covid to the flu. It is a ludicrous comparison.

The flu deniers must feel ashamed for all the people they helped murder by doing nothing all these years.


@glasagusban no reply to my response after coming in with your studs showing!!

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Unlike you I understand the difference between Covid and flu. Flu can be a very serious disease for the elderly and immunocompromised, Covid is a more serious disease for these same people, with a higher mortality rate. For young healthy people Covid is less severe than the average flu, and a lot less severe than a bad flu.

The reality is that once the vulnerable are vaccinated those remaining including children are at a similar or higher risk from the flu or other respiratory viruses (RSV for example) as Covid. A lot of children and young adults have already had Covid, the CDC estimated that 42% of children aged 5-15 have had Covid, so they have at least as good immunity as those vaccinated.

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It doesn’t. The risk is exponential growth. You don’t get that with flu.