Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Flu is also exponential, it just has a lower R0. All flu outbreaks go through an exponential phase.
You could learn a lot by listening to that labane chap.

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The flu being allowed to be the flu this winter will be a game changer.

I doubt it’ll disapeer forever.

An election will allow a fucking awful mainstream opposition to be rewarded…

The government are bad but them are worse . At least the Trots are honest with what they want

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Time will tell there too mate, they seem to be on the way to passing mandatory vaccines on all health care workers.

I hear you with regards to the lefty or supoosed lefty crowd like SF at the moment.

Meehole Martin and Donnelly need to go though asap. Hardly anything could be worse than them. They’re absolutely appalling…I’d include Varadker in that too…he’s cuter but still talks out of both sides of his mouth.


Do you believe that the avoidable deaths of hundreds of thousands of people is successful?

Personally I think that restrictions should be lifted once all those in their 60s get their second Astra jab. However those who have called this accurately so far in @Cheasty and @Malarkey reckon more need to be vaccinated so I will bow to their superior knowledge.

They have been wrong, badly wrong and what’s more is they continue to pedal lies, misinformation and misrepresentation of others views.

But it’s hardly surprising that a chap who thinks NZ should be compared globally to every other country but Sweden should only be benchmarked against a handful of select countries.


It was actually ‘open it up to fuck’

Another ‘done with Covid’ lunatic.

You’re misrepresenting people again because you’re a liar and lies is the only that facilitates your lunatic views.

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You’re the one that reckoned India was done with Covid. You were wrong. You lied about the number of people on trolleys too. Stick to the Serie A thread, it’s the only thread where you have any credibility.

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Once again, you are telling porkies.

What I said was lockdowns were utterly ineffective in preventing Covid surging. India peaked and went right back down as pretty much every European country which imposed draconian lockdowns did. Slow learners like you were too much of a riddy to actually grasp that at the time which is why you think Sweden can only be judged to a handful of countries while NZ should be compared globally.

Logic, truth and having your propaganda challenged are three things that scare you.

Tell me this Mike, why did we hear no outrage or concern from you every winter when flu ravaged health systems across the world and cost thousands of life. Why were those lives so worthless to you given your stance?

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Dr. Ilona Duffy basically saying the delta variant is just a sniffle.

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This is a Tour De France from Michael McNamara on Virgin now.

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Hopefully @Malarkey will get the flu vaccine this year.


The anti flu jabbers killed over 250 people in 2017/8

You admitted lockdowns work if implemented correctly. I don’t think anyone is suggesting half arsed lockdowns are 100% successful but slowing the spread was all some countries could do.

You had your say last Christmas when everything opened up for a few hours and hundreds paid with their lives. India followed the same route to their cost. Luckily lunatics like yourself, Mattie McGrath and the Healy Raes don’t call the shots. You continue to shake your fist and stomp your feet if it makes you happy.


Murderers. Luckily there’s no one like that around here. Imagine a vaccine being available and lads not bothered to get it! Thank god they have evolved and now know to do the right thing. Boosters every year till they die. And rightly so.

I got the flu jab every year at my workplace. Until this year when I wasn’t in the office. Luckily flu was eliminated.