Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Covid-19 = deaths

Flu = deaths

Covid-19 = flu

How are you getting on with the goat that you brought home when you went out to buy a yoghurt?

Define “a success”.

You didn’t answer my question.



Where life goes back to normal without any extra additional deaths. 97 year old Jeffry will still die whether it’s by covid or other means.

Unfortunately, dying is part of life.

It seems like communist Paul Murphy and his ilk never want anyone to die or work or live life to the full ever again.


You do not have a question.

You are a ladeen trying to give yourself a personality. And not succeeding. There is a ladeen from my home village who supports Fianna FĂĄil and Rangers FC. He thinks this craic makes him interesting. It does not.

You are anti authority in reflexive terms. You are for nothing and against everything. Translation: you are the intellectual equivalent of a eunuch.

How does that feel?

Veering off topic now. What was said by one poster to another has nothing to do with me. How and ever, an apology was offered and accepted yet you still hold on to someone else’s non-existent grudge. No wonder you’re so confused.

You are so wise. Did you ever consider becoming a philosopher?

Spiked will be in touch.

Or maybe not. They have Darren Grimes, the Brexit poppet, for this craic.

I’m just pointing out the type of lunatic you are aligning with. I think it’s relevant, do you not have any worries about the type of people who you champion as those who should be listened to?

So you define “a success” as ‘we all have to die some day’?


I did. You don’t have the wit or minerals to answer it though.

Have another go.

They can’t figure out if 22 people in icu has had the vaccine or not :sweat_smile:


A success is no extreme amount extra deaths per year.

If there are hundreds or thousands of extra people that die in the UK then it will not be.

Keeping normal life and economic activity going is also important to life. It’s called living.

Now, it is difficult in a sense for me to deal with the stupid, let alone with the extremely stupid, in the sense that it is difficult for water to admire fire, but let me be clear on this craic.

You want attitudes towards flu in 2019 and before to be audited by attitudes towards whatever from 2020 and after?

From whom did you buy the tardis? The ultimate time traveller, Edwin Poots?

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I was thinking all Ireland semi final when I looked in yesterday, but on a little further reading it’s far more akin to Clare v Wexford in the qualifiers.

I really wonder about ladeens like you… Ye are so stupid and so wanting to flaunt yere stupidity in public.

The Dark Beige Order, I suppose ye could be called, and every day the 12th of July.

Can you give answering the question a go rather than making pompous and inflated claims about yourself that are evidently not true?

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He was top of his class in English which qualifies him to speak with authority on all matters related to science and medicine and everything else.