Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

OK Ewan.

Look, I will leave you there now in your rank stupidity.

You have no personality. You work in a dead end job. You affect to believe toxic nonsense. But you are, nevertheless, a Republican, Sinn FĂŠin-leaning, left wing, ordinary man-supporting, edge lord-pretending hero (but still loving the likes of Darren Grimes).

Translation: you are Claire Fox in drag.

A fuckwit, by any other name.

But: you win.

@Malarkey are you going to answer this?


Of course I win.

You’re afraid of embarrassing yourself at framing a coherent argument.

Yes you’re going to answer or yes flu jabs should be mandatory for everyone from now on! Fair enough if that’s your view. It’s unworkable in my opinion.

It’s a very strange burden to be carrying other people’s perceived grudges. Your anger is clouding your judgement. It’s a common trait amongst the mentallers.

You were the one championing Sid a few posts ago, now it seems to be dawning on you he’s a nutbag and you’re trying to distance yourself from it?

Which one is it?

Look, you are a dunce with a severe personality kink.

You know who I am. I know who you are, as in I know your name. If you want to get in touch with me, my phone number is easily located. Otherwise fuck off. I dislike stupid people, by de facto genetic law.

Surely the OIUTFers would accept they have adopted the language of the far right pretty much wholesale?

And that that is a big turn off for normal people?

You have to understand the rules of the game.

Norway and Finland have 10% of the death rate of the rest of Europe (5% of the death rate of eastern Europe). They accomplished this by shutting their borders early and keeping them closed, except to each other. This cannot be admitted by the three stooges as they were opposed to border closing and travel restrictions back then as it was racist and xenophobic.

However, other than Sweden, no other European country can be compared to Norway or Finland because some fellow hack of the three stooges said so. Clearly Nordic people have a unique metabolism that fights off Covid that no other Europeans have. The Swedes should have benefitted from this Nordic advantage but managed to fuck it up by leaving their borders, schools, restaurants, and pubs open. So much so they have a much lower death rate than the UK, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Czech Rep, Hungary, basically all of Europe.

It’s quite simple really in the mind of the simpleton.


From whom did you buy the tardis? Edwin Poots’ father?

I dislike stupid people but give me a call to discuss.

You can’t answer a straightfoward question or frame a coherent argument. It’s only smoke and mirrors to detract away from all your bluster. It should be no problem to disprove what I said if you had any conviction or faith in your abilities you like to tell us all you have. We’re not seeing anything to back that up though.

We should get rid of any form of personal responsibility, going forward. People should just accept restrictions and government control over everything. You should have no say whatsoever in what is injected into your body


You are an idiot. Enjoy your day.

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Look, you are a mirage trying to become a shimmer. We get that.

You will log off – and be…? A fool who pretends to believe ‘edgy’ things so as to cod himself he is not a fool.

Covid apparently has a miraculous characteristic where it doesn’t spread in indoor pubs or restaurants. At least if you’re to believe the OIUTF cult.

Oh yeah!

Really amuses me, upsetting people so much that they believe impersonating a Walmart employee constitutes defiance.

I guess Darren Grimes at least gets to enjoy the pain.

1,000 cases incoming tonight.