Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Sara is as mad as a box of frogs. A few lads here aren’t very very far at all behind her.

Your argument has dissolved rapidly. Good people do bad things sometimes. Some people forgive and move on. Others continue to shake their fist and stomp their feet, blaming everyone and everything for their own problems.

You seem confused, you said this earlier.

Are you now trying to distance yourself from this pair of nutbags?

Calling me stupid is not really a proper debate is it?

Imagine being Fulvio. Actually, better not.

It’s like when yer wan asked Father Ted “Father, have you ever imagined what it’s like being a 97 year old nun?”

With apologies to any 97 year old nuns looking in here.

They’ve called it as accurately as anyone so far. I hope they’re wrong about the surge in hospitalizations and fatalities incoming. Time will tell. I don’t make predictions about Covid. The clincher for me is that they are on opposing sides to Mattie McGrath and Danny Healy Rae on this. Do you believe in fairies?

You bow to the superior knowledge of a chap who tried to get this forum closed down and tried to out posters on here after he was banned for a sick post goading a poster over his wife’s illness?

You bow to the superior knowledge of an alcoholic fantasist who claims to have slept with thousands of women and is in fact a second rate hack who writes on spud hockey?

What does that say about you Mike? Low self-esteem?


What do they call you in Walmart? Wally?

Careful now, a fiver was left under Fulvio’s pillow when one of his front teeth fell out due to lack of Vitamin C, brought about by the combined effects of spending too much time on here and hating anything orange. You don’t want to ruin his belief that the tooth fairy left that fiver there, and not Mama. That would be cruel.

More grudges. Must be hard keeping track.

[quote=“Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, post:7769, topic:33952, full:true”]

Keep going, keep going. Fantastic altogether.

I am finding this craic fascinating. You are really showing what you actually are. It is amazing how I manage to get lads to show their true colours. The great Republican IRA-supporting ladeen who thinks hurling is “spud hockey”. You did not just buy a tardis from Edwin Poots. You bought a lexicon from Edwin Poots.

Keep going.

More ducking from you.

You’ve aligned yourself with Sid, who is a really poisonous person on a human level. What he said to @artfoley that time on here is as low as the forum has ever seen and then when he followed it up with trying to have this forum shut down, who tried to out the personal identities of posters here and cause problems in their personal lives.

That’s your choice, isn’t it? I just think that anyone who champions a nasty piece of work like that on here should be asked to explain why.

By the way, I was one of them. I have no card for that individual, whom I consider in low terms.

Just to be clear.

And just to be further clear: I know who you are and you would be a byword, in Tyrone Republican circles, for an eejit.

Fulvio is stage nine.

Time for Rose Conway-Walsh to get some history lessons.

We could do a lot worse than have this guy running the country.

“Open the pubs”, they said in Ireland.

Quick full level 5 Lockdown there has been out of the 48553 cases there have 0.012 deaths. Sweet jesus we are all going to do die.

16 months into the pandemic and you still haven’t learned that a daily deaths figure is not a function of the same day’s daily case figure.


And you still haven’t learned that the effects of the pandemic go way, way beyond a daily deaths figure.


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You’re veering wildly away from the general discussion. Your brain and grudges are akin to a light and moths. No wonder you’re unable to make a coherent argument.