Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I’m not alone sham. 26 deaths akin to turning your country into an isolated island. Fair play and how will that work out for ireland? If it wasn’t for international trade and MNCs we’d be broke. The mental gymnastics to justify zero vovid than cry when airline’s are going out of business, people losing livelihoods, an Irish person is caught in MHQ or a family member coming into iteland to visit a sick relatives is stuck in MHQ while their loved one dies. Crocodile tears for those who scream for zero covid and the injustice of how unhumane we have become against a virus that in the grand context of things isn’t that deadly. Yes it kills people but we live with virus and disease everyday since the dawn of time. What’s different now? Mass media? The Internet? Unlimited information.

Ireland cannot be like the zero covid North Koreas of the world. Its pointless now with vaccine too. A wasted argument. I’ve my haircut. A few pints, cans at thurlus greyhound stadium and a sun holiday. All within touching distance. Pure zen


That’s some rant. And all in favour of proven failed policy. You should join the DUP. Michael MacNamara is a big fan, he says so himself, but he didn’t have to, we could have guessed.

When the next pandemic rolls around be sure to offer your expertise. The self appointed internet experts will surely have all the answers.

At any given movement, 40k Australians have been denied entry to the country due to their border policies. Many of these people were left with limited means abroad due to social security running out and being on casual labour.

They have separated families and recently criminalised return to Australia.

Geoffrey Robertson described Australia as not a respectable nation with the country taken to the UN for Human Rights abuses over their policy.

Protect paradise at all costs and all that.

What’s worse is this was not even possible in Ireland but we still had some collective delusion that we could just have pints if we locked up foreigners. I will say that it is to Ireland’s credit that once the horror of MHQ was seen, it began to be rolled back. We still pursed it though and still have separated families, it is a stain on Ireland and the people who demanded it most.

It’s funny how in a year phrases like “leaky borders” became mainstream in the likes of the Guardian. Even they though have turned against Jacinda with her latest idea to stop low paid migrants entering NZ. They seem to think with their new found fame that they’ll be able to attract a “better class of migrant”. I think they are in for a rude awakening in the next few months on that tbh.


That’s a lovely wall of text but it doesn’t mask the fact that Australia and New Zealand’s Covid policies have been extremely successful, and crucially, far more humane when taken in the round.

While here in Ireland, the supposedly “humane” policies you advocated proved barbaric, as I know too well because they killed my father.

And I have no fucking problem saying that I hold blowhard gobshites like you, in their ignorant, shamanic certainty, responsible for spreading the “Done With Covid” narrative.

If I was you, I’d have a bit of shame and shut up, having been consistently wrong for the last year.

Gobshitery has real consequences.

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You’d need your head examined to live anywhere in Ireland other than Dublin.

Dublin is turning into Manhattan with all the skyscrapers such is the demand. Time to put a stop to them.

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A bit of genuine advice, go to bed. When I spent a year on the dole over this lockdown I started getting up at 6 or 7 every morning for swimming/ exercise with mates who I couldn’t let down or lose face in front of. Complete game changer, I wouldn’t have made it through without it but as it was I was flourishing. I ended up getting up earlier than when I had a job and I could never have imagined I’d be able to do that. Nothing good is going to come from fighting on Internet boards after midnight, if you can’t see that by now there’s not much hope for you. You’ve got to take care of yourself, what you’re doing basically amount to self harm IMO.

Anyway, good night Sid.


Western Europe with a similar population to the US also has ~600k deaths. Central and eastern Europe have a higher death rate, some as high as +50% (Czech, Hungary), than the US and UK, the two countries some point to as examples of greatest failure. The reality is unless one pursued a zero Covid strategy from the beginning, attempts to contain the virus had roughly the same outcome. I can’t remember, were you calling for zero Covid in Feb/March 2020?

Most US states abandoned stay at home orders in May of 2020, and they had no different an outcome than those who kept strict restrictions in place. What that demonstrates is it was possible to open up relatively safely, in effect doing what Sweden did from the beginning. It made no difference to the outcome, the truly important restrictions were on limiting indoor events and gatherings.


Reading your posts of late would probably fall into that ballpark alright.

Wow your saying I should join a regressive racist party for having a libratarion viewpoint. That’s a first.

Anyway this is a pointless discussion. Covid is done. Ireland might be the last to realise but anyway.


He was hell-bent on travelling to the US for Paddy’s day if invited, which shows the disregard he has for his own rules.




No summer holidays.

Thats a very fair and reasonable assessment of the situation. Lads need to pull on the jersey.

Any country that had minimal fatalities infringed on the human rights of their citizens. Any country with high levels of fatalities are being hailed as a success. Get it? I don’t and I hope I never do.

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I’ve actually heard the opposite. Anyway, it was great to see McNamara put him in his box yesterday.

Do you really think anyone is going to be paying any notice to that? :smiley:

@LionelRitchie was posting live pictures on his way back from his holidays the other day.

You’re windmilling.

You’re gas the way you swallow everything Leo says as gospel like a good little boy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: