Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

He was okay regards covid etc. Somehow avoided it. But on a side note of hospital capacity, he had a nasty fall last weekend and ended up in the regional. My mother rang 6 times on Tuesday to ask the nurse how he is. They were too busy to answer due to understaffed and hospital being dull. That is the problem with the health service


Very frustrating. Its not for lack of cash going into it either.

The lack of accountability in administration is shocking.

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The mother is in an awful way over it. They canā€™t visit despite being fully vaxxed.


All the hype from the usual loons about Ivermectin turns out to have been based on bullshit, likely fraudulent ā€œresearchā€.

Who could have guessed. :grinning:

Sure the OIUTFers hate Santy as he has a beard and gives things away for free. Classic commie.

Nah. Iā€™m only here now. I was banned from The Huddleboard shortly before I joined here, the mod there was an Uber jock and didnā€™t like being challenged. I was briefly on a rangersfansvcelticfans forum too that is no longer in existence where I won the Forum fud award before the forum closed.

Thatā€™s effectively my internetting message board history.


Got to be up there with the Bob Radcliffe Cup that one?

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I felt very privileged to win it.

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Werenā€™t you one of the guys here defending Trump trying to turn Covid (which was simultaneously a ā€œDemocrat hoaxā€ remember) into a racist witch hunt against Chinese people?

Stop giving the cunts ammunition

All those boys should be getting disability benefit, on top of their dole.

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Great stuff.

Itā€™s very strange that the OIUTFers are so intent on insulting people in receipt of welfare at the same time they claim to be looking out for their interests.

How come OIUTF get up in the morning and LIDTF are lazy cunts?

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Youā€™re proving my point, my friend. Thereā€™s a terribly sneering, elitist, classist attitude to OIUTF.

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Does communism support the lazy cunts?

Get a job, Iā€™m sick of supporting you.

You sound like a Manchester United fan.

No to lockdownss from Limerick,
Nice job to be fair, @The_Most_Infamous :clap::clap: