Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Hon Gerry Killeen

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Philip Ryan
July 16 2021 12:16 PM

Lovely little pat on the head for Paddy here.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has described Ireland’s response to the Covid-19 as “exemplary”.

Speaking at an event with the Taoiseach on the Dublin Technological University campus in Grangegorman, Ms von der Leyen also praised the Government’s national vaccination programme.

“I’ve looked at the numbers of the development over the last six months before coming here and Ireland is exemplary in the way that it has approached this pandemic,” she said.

“All difficulties we face together we’ve overcome together so an excellent performance when delivery of vaccines is concerned and the response of this country here I can only commend you,” she added.

She welcomed that Ireland signed up to the EU’s Digital Covid Certificate for international travel but noted individual members states can take local decisions such as the Government’s advice that unvaccinated people should still not go abroad.

“We have always said in Europe that we have common rules, for example travel, but they have to be flexible and so far as that you have to look at the specific epidemiological situation of a region and therefore I welcome that Ireland has joined our Covid Certificate.

"I just today had the opportunity to test it and it works fine,” she said.

“All our member states and of course Ireland too have the possibility and responsibility too to look at individual regional epidemiological situation,” she added.

Asked about Ireland’s 12.5pc corporation tax rate and plans to set an international lower limit of 15pc for taxing businesses, Ms Von der Leyen said she believed a deal could be reached but said more details was needed.

She said “in general it is good” that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) along with countries in the G7 and G20 reached a “historical agreement” on international corporation tax rates.

“There are many details that have to be worked out so lets say the broad architectural, the broad frame that is put on the table we welcome that frame but there are a lot of technical details that have to be sorted out,” she added.

“So we are looking forward to the leaders meeting at the end of the year and I think then when the plans have matured, it will also be a possibility for member states to agree on them.”

The Commission President and Taoiseach Micheál Martin were meeting to formally sign off on Ireland’s €990m National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

“This week the first 12 National Recovery and Resilience Plans were approved by finance ministers following their endorsement by the European Commission. I welcome the positive endorsement of our plan by the European Commission,” the Taoiseach said.

“It is focused on three key priorities, advancing the green transition, accelerating and expanding digital reforms and transformation and supporting social and economic recovery and job creation,” he added.

Best Boy in the class :rofl:


Probably gave Paddy a few quid to buy himself some sweets


Champ will be beaming all weekend


Boris Boris Boris

The three young ones in my house just tested positive. Two are fine, one has like a summer cold.


Someone tell gerry to try and stop me. He block me the cunt.

any idea where they picked it up? what prompted getting tested?

He’ll timber your fingers, Liam Dunne style

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Daughter had cold like symptoms. She was in Galway last weekend with half of Fingal. She heard a number from Malahide tested positive, so went for test.

A slap in the face to frontline workers.


The Fingalese variant, it was only a matter of time.

Lodgy just got it. Says he can barely walk upstairs. I was out on the bike with him on Sunday, says he fell ill Monday :eyes:

The virus or the vaccine? (Hopefully the virus, at least it offers long term immunity)

double vaccinated and recovered from covid is double bubble

Yes heard a load of Malahide kids picked it up in Galway.

Quite a few countries coming off the MHQ list

If they took off the Canada Goose and Moncler jackets they’d not have a temperature

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