Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Post reported. Disgusting homophobia.

If it’s good enough for Daniel O’Donnell, it’s good enough for all of us.

You’re still spinning.

Could a lad “relocate” to Portugal for a month or two

leos advisors briefing him

homer simpson GIF

Maybe you can join the DUP with your pal Michael McNamara. :smiley:

Flights out of Belfast to the rest of the UK compared to Dublin airport to the UK are pretty shit which is annoying

“He also reminded people it is currently “against the law” to travel abroad for non-essential reasons”

given the numbers vaccinated, its really teeing the govt up for a loss in a JR of the health regs on that point especially when you factor in freedom of movement

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Hard to justify a Fully vaccinated person not being allowed to travel anywhere


@LionelRitchie were you aware of this? You’d better go turn yourself in mate :rofl:

he’s covered under the regs, he’s a trolly dolly

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Just because you agree with a person on one topic doesn’t automatically put you in agreement on something completely different. Trying to put me down by guilt by association is a bold tactic considering the evidence that zero covid is nonsense. There are many people who’s views on covid I agree with but wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire due to being cunts


Dont try drag a working man down.

I wish I was made aware of this sooner. Would definitely have factored that into my decision making. I look at my tan and much relaxed heart rate and wonder at what cost my criminality? I’ve now to live a life on the run around the island of Ireland as foreign escape too unlawful altogether.


Well it’s interesting to learn you think McNamara is a cunt who you wouldn’t piss on if he was on fire.

I wouldn’t quite put it like that but I find myself in agreement with the general sentiment.

@LionelRitchie 's profile pic is really a selfie with his tan and comical criminal mustache

I best update it


The science has moved on from last summer which is good to see.

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