Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll glad of the break from @Batt_the_Ladd.

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Those poor vaccinated bastardā€™s

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For a few weeks take care. The we will lock it down again for 5 months

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The next few weeks are crucial.

We need to redouble our efforts.

Stay at home to protect the vaccinated while they go to the pub.


Buy shares in companies that make the rubber stamps



She said: "In the general population, in terms of people testing positive, who are vaccinated, that number is rising from 7% on Sunday to 10% yesterday.

"Within our hospital services, in terms of admitted patients, itā€™s about one in five, in terms of people who are admitted with Covid who are vaccinated.

So effectively 20% of those being admitted to hospital come from around 80% of the adult population who are vaccinated with at least one dose.

80% of those admitted to hospital come from around 20% of the adult population who have yet to receive or chose not to get the vaccination.

With this in mind, why is this such a worry?

Stop testing vaccinated people and we will see the true figures of risk

His folksy tweets are gas.

Antigen tests for the unvaccinated close contacts.

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What? People use antigen tests themselves at home? Children even? They canā€™t be trusted not to shove them up their hole! @Cheasty what do you have to say about this??

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Whatā€™s the fucking likelihood of a 13 year old isolating for 10 days let alone testing themselves 4 times during that time. These people are stone fucking mad. Mammy I just need to run over to the racecourse to pick up a few antigen tests.


The sales of butter and tonic water will go through the roof.

13 year olds isolating


I can smell the bonus already


Life is great. I can book a flight and go to any amount of countries in Europe for indoor dining and pints, but I canā€™t tip 2 miles down the road to the local and sit at the bar for same.

Dept of Health says go back to living your life but be sensible and follow public health advice. Not enough for the ISAG cult - back under the bed with you

Staines will go on till the end, heā€™s fully invested in the WeCanBeZero stuff and is near retirement Iā€™d say. I wonder how quickly the rest of them will jump ship, some wonā€™t say anything but will just remove the hashtag from their bios.

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