Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

€9 meals no longer offer immunity you see


the coronavirus has saved up and can now afford all meals

You’ll probably end up with defacto time limits in some of the more popular places who will offer time limited table bookings in order to encourage a high turnover of people binge eating and drinking.

The Science™

So…Let me explain… and this is important…


Well there were vaccines before last summer but I get the point you’re trying to make.

There have always been time limits in most Dublin restaurants at busy periods.

It’s impossible to book anywhere the first weekend or two after they open in June. I’d say it’ll take a while to settle down and stop people booking multiple places.

Will the Government still be proud of being Eircatraz or will they be proper Europeans?

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Without watching the announcement, I presume this is in conjunction with the digital certificate. Currently that’s supposed to come into operation in mid June, with a 6 week trial period. Ireland won’t give it effect until the trial period is over, so for us it’ll be August.

Quick Trade mark that. :slight_smile: They might be setting it up as a tourist attraction people outside Ireland can come visit and see what the inmates of Eircatraz get up too.

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Is a JR not more a review of the application of the law in arriving at a certain decision as opposed to the actual substance of the law ? The law is you’re not leaving the island for non essential travel…vaccine or no vaccine doesn’t change that?

The decision will be to attempt to fine someone fully vaccinated for breaching the health act regs by trying to leave the country, thus exercising their freedom of movement, without a reasonable excuse

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Have any of the gov departments claimed responsibility for the implementation of the vaccine passport yet?

has to be DFAD

Not that I’m aware of. Presume it’s for Health, since they’re the ones that own vaccination and testing. They’re currently drowning in MHQ so god help us if they’re going to implement this.

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The digital cert seems almost redundant going by the announcement today. It states countries with low levels of Covid won’t need to quarantine. I know it leaves it open to a country being able to lob a test requirement on it but I can see half of the EU not bothering their hole with it but just having a green list.

On top of which they’re not exactly champions for the idea of travel at the moment

It’s done lads

How fucking weak is Martin? How reactionary? He decides to restore aviation and somehow still just comes across as short-term and pathetic. Like did he honestly not see this coming?


I’d suggest only fully vaccinated people be allowed travel as most sensible option at this juncture and until at least September.