Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A right dinger even by his standards.

Nobody in hospital in Waterford despite a massive outbreak in Dungarvan a couple of weeks ago.

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It may be too late for the climate but we need to put the same energy into slowing climate change as much as possible. EVs, active travel, renewable energy and hydrogen jets for international travel. Ffs we have actual billionaires comparing mickeys by going to space

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Aboy Danny, you’re accepting climate change now :joy::joy:

That’s basically the plot of a Dan Browne book.


Now what? The government’s Covid optimism is fading fast

By Katy Balls

When the news broke on Sunday morning that Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak planned to skip self-isolation – availing themselves of a loophole – the reaction was as much disbelief as fury. Could the Prime Minister and Chancellor, even for a second, think it right to excuse themselves from the Test and Trace regime that they have imposed on millions? They changed their minds (after just a few hours) but it raised wider concerns in the party: what on earth were they thinking? And is this typical of the quality of decision-making we can expect ahead of a tricky few weeks?

Of course they both had other plans in mind for so-called ‘freedom day’. By this point in the roadmap, the hope was the virus would be in retreat and the UK heading towards a ‘great British summer’. But the Covid crisis has not gone away. ‘A lot of people in government are bored of the pandemic now but we don’t have a choice,’ says one minister. Neither will the 4.5 million people forecast to be pinged between now and 16 August, when the double-jabbed will be exempt from self-isolation. It adds up to a summer of political dysfunction.

There is unease in Westminster about the next few months — and whether Johnson’s team is up to the task. No. 10 aides find themselves between a rock and a hard place: facing flak from scientists and Labour for easing too many rules and from their own side for not relaxing them enough, especially the self-isolation guidance.


Find more graphs at The Spectator ’s Covid-19 data hub, updated daily.


‘The world is facing a new wave and we must act. The answer is vaccination, vaccination, vaccination.’

– French Prime Minister Jean Castex speaks to TF1 television to persuade French people to get jabbed

Another one I’ve learned from reading this thread - and which I’m surprised “Doctor” De Brun omitted - is that obesity, just like AIDS and chlamydia and gonorrhea - and I believe all types of cancer, and heart disease - is spread through the air.


The societal crisis of Covid lockdowns and restrictions v the impact of Covid itself.

A discussion long, long, overdue - sadly a lot of the damage from lockdowns and restrictions has already been done.

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Stay safe

Clapton was always a bit of a racist wanker though wasn’t he?


What an absolute pussy this lad is. I’d say he made he whole thing up, or was told to make it up. Maybe he’s being paid. Maybe he’s a crisis actor. The whole thing is a conspiracy, as we all know from reading this thread.

Eric Clapton has never been very big on safety protocols for young people.

Low, even for you.


Yes there was that episode involving Enoch Powell in the 1970s. He regrets it now I think.

Yes. A slow head.

Of course Covid vaccines would never put young lives at danger.

I think there have been 8 Covid deaths in the u40 category in 78.5k positive cases in the north.

Are people still on here pedaling misinformation about the level of risk to young and healthy people? Dangerous bastards.


He’s actually come up with the masterful plan that medical staff who need to isolate can go to work but need to isolate then. He really does continue to surprise.

Yes, but how many of that 78.5k have covid toes


It’s fascinating that after 15 years of lads making and indulging Uaneen rule type jokes that have been the staple of this forum, some lads have now made the sudden decision to get offended by them.