Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The Government spent this week as the “fix housing” one. The issue of a generation apparently- yet Martin closed construction for months when it is primarily outdoors.

The aviation story was a nice grenade thrown in there by Aer Lingus to fuck them over.

They are wholly reactionary and unable to lead. Sinn FĂ©in et al making hay on aviation now, you’d have to laugh.

Wouldn’t be quick to post Niall Boylan but Zero Covid are really mental

Fucking disgusting and disgraceful

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That’s like a parody.

We have no data on this but of concern is

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That’s absolutely fucking rotten. What a cunt.


Jamie Wall is trying his best to emulate his hero Dr.Anthony O’Connor by backing the continuing emergency restrictions.

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How do you know?

He should be running the country

As long as the requirement for travel is a vaccine or negative pcr test we will all be grand. I can taste the overpriced watered down cocktails now

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In another 2/3 months we can legally get on a plane too

Plans coming soon to allow supporters back to matches in July.

We don’t need to complicate things.
We just need to copy the UK 6 weeks in arrears.

It’s like countering to say “what’s the evidence to prove it won’t have an impact” :upside_down_face:, of course the onus is on Ryan, what a scumbag

Sounds like a UKIPer

Dirty foreigners.

There’s people who’ve called much milder language than that racist