Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

A doctor the mentallers can get behind.

I knew this stuff was coming – but it is still bizarre.

He reaches the depths others simply can’t fathom.

Remember the dangerous bastards who were warning of the impact Covid cases in the north were going to have on the health system…

These dangerous bastards are being shown up as nothing short of propagandists and dogmatic nutcases.

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Well now.

Another dagger to the heart of the Lockdown zealots.

I’d sooner take medical advice from Dr. Devious, Dr. Alban and Dr. Octagon than I would from “Doctor” De Brun.

He has the brain of somebody who has just spent 15 rounds in the octagon with the chap Conor McGregor said was having a shite on the bus, the same lad who then pummelled McGregor to a pulp.

This is a very dark day for the Lockdown nuts.


Is that the total number of deaths with Covid for those 2 months? That is very encouraging. That would only be about 0.01% of deaths in that timeframe would be people who died with Covid.

Wrong again, the vaccine appears to be extremely effective, so less will die. Vindication for the cautious approach championed by the experts, disappointment for the mentallers.


I’d bet. He’d most likely tell you

cut down on the pork pies mate and get some exercise


That’s why it’s a bad day. We see it from the misinformation and fear mongering that they are engaging in that the reality paints a far, far bigger story than the Lockdown nuts are pedalling.

That must hurt, the data disproves the narrative that Covid is still a widespread risk for the majority of the population. It it is not and this is backed up by data.

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They’re calling it “Total deaths with known vaccination status”.

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Every day is a dark day for the stupid.

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The simpleton you replied to is an anti-vaccine fundamentalist. Except when it comes to the shit Russian vaccine.

A very very strange, creepy individual.

I cycled over the hill to Barna this morning and back around by Salthill so I’m grand for exercise, thanks.

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So effectively there have been 9 deaths in the u65 category in the past two months of Covid. 6 of these were unvaccinated people, 3 partially vaccinated.

It would be a reasonable assumption that 90% of these people would have had underlying health conditions from the statistics we know of Covid related deaths.

You really have to question the agenda of some people here as it at odds with the data available.

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The fake “pro-life” veneer these nuts were trying to cover themselves in has well and truly worn off.

The mantra now is “people with underlying conditions need to be killed off”.
