Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I read a longish article on RTE but canā€™t find it now, it was from a prime time show and was trying to divine whether weā€™d be bet asunder by Delta or whether the vaccines would hold it off.

At the end there was a tiny piece about the sharp rise in Scotland, followed by a drop. It seems the big donā€™t know is will Irelandā€™s spike continue up or drop off like Scotlandā€™s did.

Is there any explanation at all of why Scotlandā€™s spike dipped again then levelled off? Why is there no talk about it? cc @Malarkey?

So 70 deaths out of 23,466 cases in the past two months. A 0.02% mortality rate for the whole population (add a few extra zeros for the <65 population and fully vaccinated population)

0 deaths in fully vaccinated population <65
3 deaths in partially vaccinated population <65
6 deaths in unvaccinated population <65

2 deaths in fully vaccinated >65 population
12 deaths in fully vaccincated >65 population
35 deaths in unvaccinated >65 population

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Fear, most likely.

Projects fear is working then?

Entirely rational fear.

The problem, for normal society, is infection rate. Death/serious illness rate is nothing like as significant ā€“ unless hospitals get full.

The term ā€˜pingdemicā€™ is now being used in England, because of the close contact situation.

Havenā€™t been on the vaccine thread in a while but he was (incorrectly, as usual) fairly vocal about how shit the roll out was. I presumed he was in a mad rush to get the jab himself. So not only is he anti vax heā€™s pro Sputnik even though Vlad wouldnā€™t take it himself? Christ thatā€™s a difficult circle to square.

Funny that fear is working in Scotland but not England. Iā€™m sure we could come up with some ill informed waffle about the two countries to explain it, but better we just dismiss your reason as nonsense.

There is no circle to square for him. He is not a rational person. Heā€™s an entirely emotionally driven fool.

A bit like squaring the circle of the nutters who said the vaccines were the way out are apparently now useless.

I just make a personal choice not to put an experimental drug in my body to stop me from getting a virus that is not of any significant threat to my demograph (as supported by the data).


The British Bulldogs are fearless.

Yep weā€™re the nutters. :smiley::smiley:

It does have seem to have worked in parts of England. Different parts of England have been the main drivers of case rates at different times, in this latest wave.

However rational fear is not a long lasting solution in a mass spread environment.

Youā€™ve been parroting Mark Paul for a year. Pretty much every far right nutcase in the world is on your ā€œsideā€. You are not on any sort of solid ground to accuse others of ā€œill informed waffleā€, given you have consistently chosen to parrot one of Irelandā€™s most ill informed wafflers with a platform.

You seemingly are as you have an issue with me exercising my personal rights to whether or not I want to put an experimental drug into my body to protect me from something that is of no protection to me.

Iā€™d refer to you as a zealot nutter if truth be told.

I have no issue with people who want to take the vaccine and have never stated as such on here but I have respect for people rights and health.

I donā€™t care if you get the vaccine or not. Typical you to complain about the solution to a problem. You spent some of your time moaning about the roll out of a vaccine you wonā€™t take and the rest of the time getting confused about the application process for the same vaccine you donā€™t want.

But yeah, Iā€™m the nutter.

I havenā€™t complained about the solution to the problem. I have complained that if this was their solution to the problem then missing their targets consistently for the past 6 months is a shitshow. I also pointed out to inadequacies and poor planning in the rollout. Unlike you I seem to expect some forward planning, accountability and competence to this situation. You donā€™t.

Clearly you are the nutter. Youā€™re the one who championed Sid and Malarkey last week here.

You shouldnā€™t get so irritated about things that donā€™t concern you.

It concerns all of us. Lockdowns and restrictions have had devastating impacts across all society.

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Our best chance out of this is by getting as many people as possible, vaccinated. While you may not agree most rational people pay heed to those who are educated on such matters. You think you know more than them but by not getting the vaccine you are slowing down the arrival of the thing you most crave.

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