Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Why wasn’t this definitively disclosed at the time? There should be a national inquiry into how the HSE and gov skewed the reporting on this.


You keep saying “that’s not an argument” when you’ve lost the ability to argue. (In fact it was the beginning and end of that particular “argument”.)

Zero covid for Ireland has been outright rejected by every reasonable person, and NPHET.

I’m sorry pal, you can bang your drum away, but you are categorically wrong. No, we can’t be zero, you are incorrect. No amount of “but but new Zealand” can change that. It’s bizarre that you’re still going on about it.


Two things: i) the federal Australian government is led by the right-wing nuts Scott Morrison and his Liberal Party. So yet again it’s an example of right-wing failure to plan.

Secondly, I have zero doubt that if Australia was further ahead in its vaccination programme, they’d be called racist because the OIUTF narrative would then try to portray them as hogging vaccines that developing world countries needed more. While they simultaneously demand to know why all of Ireland hasn’t been vaccinated yet.

I actually have a lot of sympathy for the narrative that developing world countries should be getting much of the vaccine stock that rich world countries are taking up - and much as I despise Morrison, I wouldn’t particularly use it as a stick to beat him with.

I suppose the difference is that unlike the OIUTF cult, I’m not looking for bad faith narratives to desperately try and win internet arguments.

Lovely distinction there.

That interview is what tiggered Leo to ask for more comprehensive data from the HSE.


I believe this was alluded to months back, there was a report about 50% of positive tests in hospital being picked up in hospital rather than being admitted with it.

Of course, the media decided this was not the issue.

The major cause of the post Winter peak of Covid deaths was most certainly as a result of failings in the health service to protect vulnerable patients. Of course the gov tried to blame the people, shut society down, put people out of work and of a livelihood, stop schools from opening, close gyms and sports clubs etc.


You’ve lost the plot. Your sole modus operandi on this thread now seems to be to vilify those who argued for measures which actually were proven to work elsewhere and which would have seriously cut our death toll.

While you continue to defend your consistent clamour for the sort of things which significantly raised our death toll, and would have done so further had they been implemented to the levels you wanted.

In other words, you’ve fallen into that zone of utter delusion and cognitive dissonance where you have nothing else other than vilification of those who were correct, while simultaneously trying to delude yourself that those who were consistently wrong and consistently called for corners to be cut, were actually correct.

Didn’t someone here warn that the north was about to explode with Covid deaths and hospitalisations recently?

That person could hardly be consistently correct?

Quote a post that said NI was about to “explode with deaths” or shut up, “asexual Mamma’s boy”.

No real difference between the far left and the far right.


The left and far left have just done the dirty work of the far right in terms of borders in the last year and a half.

That report was swept under the carpet pretty quickly. I’d love to see a follow up audit on the actions raised to see have they been implemented since. By the numbers reported of cases being caught in hospital I’d say the environment is worse. Lockdowns once again put in place to protect a health service not operating as expected rather than the greater population


Did they ever introduce antigen testing to hospitals?

No, that’s completely wrong. At various times I’ve argued for more restrictions or that we improve how we operate the ones in place. In short, I’m in favour or effective, transparent and reasonable measures. Whereas you’ve swallowed a suite of beliefs that you regurgitate ad nauseum without being able to engage with any points that don’t quite for. You’re at it again there making up things I’ve said and responding to that.

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Same as it ever was. Mussolini was expelled from the Italian socialist party in 1914 and set up the Italian fascist party in 1914, a seamless transition.


At the time that mattered you called Covid the flu and labelled those calling for travel restrictions racists.

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Time has consistently proven me overwhelmingly correct throughout this pandemic. Why? Because I’ve always followed the people that urged caution and real aggressive measures to prevent spread - not the Colm O’Rourke’s and Marc MacSharrys of this world.

The stuff you and others here have swallowed during this pandemic could fill an ocean.

Look who’s using bad faith narratives again. In January and February 2020 very few of us knew the score about pandemics or had expected we’d ever be caught up in a major one, so there was a large degree of gallows humour involved.

I didn’t call those looking for travel restrictions racist. I said that implementing pointless one country restrictions accompanied by a racist propaganda campaign that whipped up racism against Chinese people was racist. Which it was and is.

The same person that did that also called the virus a hoax - and you defended him for it.

Obviously you did - you’re a white supremacist.

Time has proven you, ISAG, and zero covid advocates in Ireland wrong.

Incontrovertibly wrong.

Rejected by all and sundry.

You really couldn’t get any more wrong.


On the contrary. The Zero Covid argument was proven fundamentally and undeniably correct.

Only the mentalists and those who have a Stockholm syndrome type attachment to mass death deny that now.