Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Travel bans were only racist when Trump did them.


There’s a thing called the precautionary principle. It informs - or at least should inform - our responses to pandemics, the climate crisis, personal health, basic health and safety, and many other things.

Consistently, on this forum the overwhelming response has been to demonise those who have urged caution - and consistently, that response has been wrong.

Simultaneously, the same lads are claiming fantastically that mandatory hotel quarantine is to blame for Aer Lingus pulling their cabin crew base out of Shannon, and quoting Niall Boylan, who has shamelessly built an entire career out of actual scaremongering.

Self awareness is very much not the strong point of a lot of posters here.

The reason for a travel ban is sort of important when you’re deciding if it’s racist or not.

Implementing a travel ban in order to dog whistle to white supremacists that you hate Muslims is racist.

Trying to prevent the worst effects of a pandemic isn’t.

So yes, Trump’s ban on Muslims was racist, while mandatory hotel quarantine or banning flights from India in order to try and stop the spread of a new variant is not.

It’s quite simple to understand, actually, at least when you’re not being performatively stupid to try and attract likes on a forum.

Trump was labelled racist when he tried to stop travel from China last year.

As he was in the above post from Emily regarding EU bans


Trump’s carry on at the start of the pandemic was racist. I honestly don’t know why anybody would argue otherwise, except as a dog whistle of their own.

Playing the man not the ball again. Same with McGuirk and the ISAG leaks. Nobody is ‘quoting’ Boylan. Boylan has linked a video of Ryan’s own words. Rather than address the content you go off about how mean Boylan, McGuirk, McNamara etc are while refusing to acknowledge the despicable conduct by ISAG because you agree with them.

Ryan is putting forward theories without evidence again. “Just asking questions”.


So him trying to ban travel WAS racist?

Youse here, the OIUTF crowd that have been consistently wrong since the start, have been playing the man not the ball for the entire pandemic.

So I don’t think yis can complain now about me dismissing the moron that is Boylan. He deserves nothing except to be dismissed. Same with McGuirk and his cute little non-story.

Go away and look up what the precautionary principle is.

If the US government were to ban Muslims entering the US, you would start with the countries where the majority of Muslims live, Indonesia (227M), Pakistan (204M), India (189M), Bangledesh (148M), and Nigeria (95M). The 3 month halt on all travel (not just Muslims) from countries with at the time large numbers of Islamic terrorists and little ability to control the movement of Islamic terrorists was no more racist than Obama’s enhanced screening from the same countries.

Trump’s biggest mistake early on in the pandemic was listening to Fauci who was downplaying the threat.

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Even as you support zero covid, you have to admit our MHQ system is stupid, unfair, heartless and ultimately entirely pointless at the stage we are at.

It wasn’t a public health measure, it was introduced, finally, to assuage a rabid and incoherently angry public mood.


They’ll be deflated in rte today.

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The US has had over 600k deaths in this pandemic. 636 yesterday, 734 the day before that, so the pandemic is very much not yet over.

Islamist terrorism is barely a drop in the ocean of a threat by comparison.

One thing that has been exposed in quite hilarious fashion is the mismatch of understanding of threat of the likes of you and the American and international far right, who have consistently dismissed the real threat of the pandemic and railed against the sensible restrictions on movement used to fight it - seemingly seeing no contradiction at all vis a vis your consistent advocacy for draconian clampdowns on freedom because of an absolutely minute threat.

It’s stupid in that it wasn’t universal. Pointless, certainly not. Just because something is not perfect is not a reason for not doing it.

If it becomes pointless we’ll soon know about it.

I’d have a slightly different opinion on what policies have been heartless but then again I have the advantage of having opinions that are at least partly formed by actual experience of being affected by this thing.

Mandatory hotel quarantine for a few weeks or a few months is not going to result in economic devastation. The over the top pronuncements here have been hilarious.

Lads desperately trying to justify wrong positions taken is also hilarious.

We’re dealing with people who think their moral values are superior. Their intentions are best so can’t be questioned. She and others were all about freedom of movement before, now it’s describing human beings as bio security threats and cheering on 2+ year effective border closures like in Australia.



My moral values are superior to yours. To be fair, I think there are few posters on this forum about whom that could not be said in relation to you.

What in God’s name are you on about? Go back and read the first thread on Covid where I was warning of the danger. At the time every left wing loon in the Democratic party in the US was screaming hysterically about scaremongering and the response of the US government being racist. You refuse to admit that the US government’s decision to stop travel from China in late Jan 2020 was the correct decision. Did you call for travel bans at the time?

All international travel should have been stopped in Jan/Feb 2020, and started up again with testing of all travelers. That would have been sensible, but no one on the left was calling for it at the time, as always they were too busy calling everyone racist they disagree with. It’s easy be wise a year later.


And pretty much ever since that you’ve gone all Great Barrington.

Someone talk George Lee down off the ledge

@Cheasty you never got back to me here

Why would you want a large number of children to become infected with Covid? What’s the benefit?