Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Hypocrisy is a terrible thing. Theyā€™re ā€œIā€™m Alright Jackā€ until theyā€™re not alright.

Would you say the same to smokers who rock up the hospital sick because of their habit or an obese person who has made themselves sick from over eating, Should they also be turned away also? Do you have a list of who should and should not be allowed because it looks like that is where you are heading?


Another ā€œobesity is spread through the airā€ merchant. We are blessed to have incredible experts on this forum who have discovered things modern medicine is totally clueless about.

Another nazi coming out of the woodwork.

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Ah, I was little bit mean about you, all in good fun of course, so now Iā€™m a Nazi. :grinning:

You arenā€™t an alias of @maroonandwhite by any chance?

Oh hit a nerve have I

Ah yeah. The lad who just called somebody a Nazi over teensy weensy little joke is the lad who has hit a nerve.

I think thatā€™s a bit apples and oranges. Smoking is an addictive condition that many people adopt as youngsters. Obesity is associated many factors, including depression.
It is a fact that people are refused treatment until they eg stop smoking, lose weight etc. It mat be couched in terms that the operation has less chance of success unless the patient pursues a certain course of action. But treatment is already conditional.

Well letā€™s just hope that you and I remain in the included group the next time we do this now that we have crossed this rubicon.

You regularly call people on here racists and white supremacists based on less than that.

Pretty horrible things to label on a person.


But are they turned away like you want unvaccinated? Same the person with liver damage from drinking should they be turned away or just turn away anyone that have caused themselves to get sick from the choices they made?

Smoking is a choice.

Obesity is a choice.

These people can choose to lose weight or mind their health but donā€™t. Do you say tough shit to anyone who dies, gets seriously ill or had bad side effects from a vaccine?

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Good morning Rambo.

Why even make such a suggestion when in reality there isnā€™t a chance in hell that would happen?

Iā€™ve never incorrectly labelled anybody as a racist either here or offline. Not once.

The unvaccinated have made a choice not only not to protect themselves, but to endanger the rest of their community. To them I say, ā€œtough shitā€

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Do you say the same to the smoker and drinker as well?

No, I didnā€™t say any of that. If you want restrictions to be lifted, then you should contribute. If you are too selfish to take the vaccine, fine, thatā€™s your choice. Donā€™t whinge about being inconvenienced by it.


ā€œnodding dogsā€


A moron, by any other name.

Well I did say it was my tuppenceworth. Iā€™m well aware thereā€™s no chance it would be implemented. Itā€™s my opinion. I know nobody really gives a fuck what I think but then I pretty much donā€™t give a fuck about what they think either.